Page 79 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 79

Who  was  there?  I,  Alec,  Shosh  and
                                                                  Raymond,  Edna,  Reggie,  Jason,  Herbie,
                                                                  Estelle,  Alan  Barzel,  Monica,  Bimbo,
                                                                  Dennis  and  his  wife,  Ronnie  Kotzen  and
                                                                  others that you don't know. We were about
                                                                  In 1956, 12 set out on Hachshara in Maayan
                                                                  Zvi.  They  did  not  know  where  they  would
                                                                  settle.  I joined the Garin in  Maayan  Zvi,  4
                                                                  days before we came to Kfar Hanassi.
                                                                  When we arrived, Michael Doari welcomed
                          Joe Rifkind, Mansura, 1949              us in the dining room and told us about the
                              Archive Kfar Hanassi                kibbutz. It must have been winter because I
               Simon:  I'm glad I'm here. I came following        remember the sawdust on the floor due to the
               a  Belgian  Shaliach  who  taught  me  about       mud. Michael asked us where we wanted to
               kibbutz life. I wasn't a Zionist – I came here     work. Some of us said we wanted to have a
               because I wanted to be a kibbutznik. I became      look at the different aspects of the kibbutz.
               a Zionist only years later when I heard on the     He said OK but they had heard that I was a
               news that Mosh Dayan warned the Egyptian           cook and that I had cooked at summer camp
               authorities about an Israeli bomb on Egyptian      for 200 people and that I was the "landlady"
               soil  that  had  not  detonated.  He  wanted  to   of Habonim House and as part of my duties
               avoid  loss  of  life  and  so  he  published  a   my  job  was  to  look  after  the  house  and
               warning. I felt so proud suddenly and became       members  of  the  Garin  in  the  movement  as
               a Zionist.                                         well as cook for them.
               Interview by Shoshana Sharki.                      I was told that they needed someone in the
                                                                  kitchen. There were two in the kitchen, the
               Simcha Arnold                                      main cook and another. The other had given
               Alec  will  tell  you  that  it  was  me  who      birth or was on leave so would I be willing to
               suggested  we  set  up  a  new  Garin.  We         start  in  the  kitchen?  I  think  I  worked  with
               gathered at a convention in winter 1955 and        Neta  that  first  day.  I  started  working  there
               spoke of our future. I was pretty upset that we    and  continued.  Then,  for  some  reason  the
               had  to  join  members  we  hardly  knew  in       main cook stopped, and I was told to replace
               Amiad and so we suggested we start a new           her  –  temporarily  –  it  took  two  and  a  half
               Garin. Everyone was very enthusiastic about        years. That was my tour of duty there.
               the idea, and we started talking about a name.     The veterans were nice to us, but I remember
               Since  Garin  Gimmel  was  in  Amiad,  we          (while  I  was  working in the kitchen as the
               should  have  been  Garin  Daled.  We  didn't      cook) that one of the veterans said something
               want  to  be  Daled  and  we  all  agreed  we      about  it  being  better  not  to  give  the  Garin
               wanted  to  be  Hey  (Hey!  Hey!)  It  sounded     girls that job since they were not so clean…
               better – I have no idea why.

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