Page 77 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 77

members: Alec and Edna; Dot and Simon;             away,  his  mother  came  out  and  remained
               and Simcha who were newly arrived.                 until her death.

               As they planned to leave, they were told that      Batsheva  and  Marki  arrived  in  1957  and
               they could hitch a lift the following morning      Palu  was  born  several  months  later.  The
               with the red post van. While they waited next      warm  welcome  continued  and  Ilsa  Ben
               to the offices, a veteran came up to them and      Hanoch volunteered to teach them Hebrew,
               quickly recognized their Scottish accent. He       and  they  have  loved  Kfar  Hanassi  for  63
               started speaking Scottish and they discovered      years.
               that  Batsheva's  grandfather  and  this  man's    Marki  added:  When  we  moved  to  Kfar
               grandfather had been neighbours in Glasgow.        Hanassi, Gerry Neimark came with a horse
               The conversation with the man, Joe Rifkind,        and cart and loaded it up with my materials,
               was so pleasant and warm that time passed          paintings, paint and brushes and took them to
               quickly until the van appeared.                    the hut that serves as my studio till this day!

                                                1990 – 42 Years to Kfar Hanassi
                               Left to right:

                             Back row - Alec Collins,-?-, Paul Bilgory, Jason Pearlson, Raymond
                             Front row: Shulamit Frank, -?-, Tamar Wolfin, Edna Collins

               On their next visit they also enjoyed warm         By the way, there was a price to be paid for
               hospitality  by  veterans,  and  they  soon        leaving Amiad and moving to Kfar Hanassi.
               decided that they preferred Kfar Hanassi over      Yitzhak Eder, in charge of the seniority list
               Amiad. Around that time, they learned that         told them that their seniority would have to
               Marki's father  could  not  fly out  on  Aliyah    start  from  the  day  they  arrived,  without
               due to health problems. Later, after he passed     counting the years Batsheva had worked for

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