Page 7 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - September 15
P. 7



        Ruth, Lady Morris of Kenwood, has recently been         Today, at the age of 81, Ruth is still a practicing
        recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List,        Solicitor, one of the longest continuously
        being awarded a CBE (Commander of the Most              practicing female members of the Law Society.
        Excellent Order of the British Empire) for her          She is the mother of four children ("who love and
        dedication to numerous causes over the years            get on with each other") and grandmother to six.
        during a 53-year legal career. The “Kenwood” of
        the title refers to an area of Sheffield rather than to   Just a partial list of Ruth's public activities - in
        the estate on Hampstead Heath.                          addition to her Habonim involvement - is both
                                                                wide-ranging and truly impressive:
        A member of Habonim herself and soon after the           Member of the Independent Broadcasting
        Second World War as a Bonah in the Bayswater               Authority
        Synagogue Gedud, Ruth became involved in                 Chairman, Social Security Appeals Tribunal
        Jewish Youth activities at the age of 15. First she        (1990-2005)
        was a Manager at Brady Girls Club and                    Trustee Acorn Trust (assists in education of
        subsequently involved in the AJY Executive,                children in Nepal)
        through the Executive of Victoria Boys and Girls         Trustee, Womankind Worldwide (travelled
        Club; with the Allocations Committee of the UJIA           extensively to visit and assist in overseas
        and as a Trustee of the Jewish Youth Fund.                 projects in India, Zimbabwe, South Africa,
        Ruth was “roped in” to Habonim (subsequently             Patron Jewish Aids Trust
        Habonim Dror) in the late 1970s by the late Joe          Trustee, Elsie & Barnett Janner Charitable
        Gilbert who was looking to retire from his                 Trust (Ruth’s parents)
        position as 'Ba Koach Habonim'. Although Joe             Director, Connaught Brown (Art Gallery in
        suggested to Ruth that the job was a sinecure,             Albermarle Street, London)
        Ruth's involvement has been very hands-on since          Trustee, Berkshire Outdoor Educational Trust
        1979, as Honorary President. As Ruth says: "It is          (charity for outdoor education for Berkshire
        of my being involved with this organisation that I         Schools)
        am the most proud, including what I have done in
        the public sector. The Chaverim that are and have       As to being awarded a CBE, Ruth says …. “It
        been involved are truly remarkable in every way         feels amazing to be recognised in such a way and
        and I am constantly astonished at their                 to be given this great honour. I got a letter through
        commitment and enthusiasm." Very many have in           the post and was told not to tell anyone for five
        the past and still today hold responsible and           weeks – it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever
        important positions in the Community                    had to do!"

        Educated both in London and in Canada, Ruth
        graduated from the School of Law in 1976.

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