Page 2 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - September 15
P. 2
From the Editor Contents
Kol Bogrei Habonim (KBH); the title could not be From Editor ..................................................... 2
more specific, in other words, the voice(s) of ex- Letters to KBH ................................................. 3
Habonim members in Israel and the Diaspora or
overseas, if that sounds more appealing. The Chairman’s Report .......................................... 4
future of KBH and some would argue IBH/IVH Master Builders ............................................... 5
depends on the constant flow of written
contributions: anecdotes, opinions, reflections, Profile – Ruth Lady Morris .............................. 7
etc. If the flow of material dries up, ergo no KBH. Habonim in India ............................................. 8
And the question remains, wither IBH/IVH?
A Cuppa with Maggie .................................... 10
The previous KBH issue – “85 years on” – with
its common theme – “it seemed like a good idea A Weird Coincidence .................................... 12
at the time” - met with almost unanimous IVH: 14 Annual Reunion 2014 .................... 13
approval. To quote just two responses:
‘I was very impressed with the latest issue of the Some Anomalies of Life in Israel .................. 14
magazine. It was a very unique project which IBH: To Be or Not to Be ................................ 16
drew some remarkably personal stories, together Habonim’s Finest Hour ................................. 18
amounting to a wonderful testimony to a
movement which changed peoples’ lives From Depression to Expression ................... 20
dramatically.’ - Asher Tarmon Ten Years As Chairman................................ 22
‘... I have just read the Iton from cover to cover.
You have made it a very interesting "time Poetry Corner ................................................ 24
machine" from old timers like Denis and I to The Pearlmans - םינובהב המלש החפשמ ......... 26
chaverim who were born long after my
grandchildren...’ – Sylvia Flowers. Zichron Yaacov Reunion 2014 ...... Back Cover
The potpourri nature of KBH returns with the
current issue. Enjoy.
הבוט הנש
Harold Hirsch
Editorial Committee
Harold Hirsch Gerry Kelman Linda S. Levine
POB 7255 12 Nurit St. 8/1Alexander Penn
Or Akiva 3060000 Gedera 7048712 Tel Aviv 6964110
Tel: 04-6260433 08-8597202 03-6441318