Page 3 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - September 15
P. 3

Letters to KBH

          From David Chester, Petach Tikva                      stopped writing.
          There were three founders of Habonim not one, as      My whole life has been determined by Habonim. The
          mistakenly claimed in your last editorial.            trigger was the headmistress of the High Church
          Chaim Lipshitz ran a group of young boys at his       boarding school who on our leaving said:" This year
          father's cheder, for teaching modern Hebrew, songs,   I will talk about Inky who we harboured for the war
          dances, Jewish history and possibly scout craft in    years, and now all the foreigners can return to their
          late 1928. It may even have adopted the name          countries of origin!!!"
          "Trumpeldor" then, because the song of that hero      My brother Peter Schweig suggested that I leave the
          was popular at the time. Haim was very modest but     Scouts and join the Movement. He later joined the
          active for many years.                                Bosham Hachshara and came to join the army and
          Wellsley Aron called a meeting in January 1929 (and   then learnt and worked as the librarian of the
          not as he mistakenly later claimed in November 1928)   University School of Social work in Jerusalem. I
          where, after a slow start of only five attendees, the   joined Riff Neuberger and Yitzchak Shamah's
          decision to establish such a Jewish youth movement    Chavura. This led to the Eder Farm and a wedding
          was taken, and at a later meeting committees were     there with Dago Kellerman who had speedily
          formed.                                               proposed to me – there was a dearth of girls – after
                                                                having taken me on a walk round the farm ("after you
          Norman (Nachum) Lourie (as an LSE student in law),
          worked first with Haim in the cheder in Whitechapel,   have finished washing up" and a subsequent talk
          East London, then with Wellsley in organizing and     [only!] in the barn.
          publishing the first Habo Handbook (along with his    We were pushed off (after I became pregnant) as the
          girl-friend/wife Nadia) where they unofficially ran off   first of the garin for Beit Haemek in Kfar Blum. Since
          150 copies on the Zionist Fed's Gestetner machine     then I have lived in Israel, with the interruption of
          one night. Norman and Nadia then founded the South    some very interesting journeys and two years in
          African Habonim branch in Johannesburg in about       England, while Dago did his PhD, our three children
          1930. (There is a good photo of Nachum and Nadia      learnt English and I did Pitman's shorthand and
          taken at SA Habo camp in 1933 in the Beit HaTfutzot   typing in various offices.
          archives, that I can send you electronically).        Here, in addition to washing: up, clothes, bottoms
          These proven facts and more may be found in my        and floors, I taught adults English. Teaching a class
          4,500 word series of articles that appeared in our    of children without a police constable was beyond me.
          magazine volume IV, numbers 4, 5 and 7. It is a       Thanks to Steven Mendelssohn, I was admitted to the
          fascinating story.                                    Department of Oral History in Sheffield, interviewed
                                                                those who survived as hidden youngsters and so
                                                                obtained the M. Phil., continuing to interview over
                                                                200 survivors of the Holocaust.

          From Ingrid Kellerman, Haifa                          After 60 I volunteered to teach Gymnastics in and
                                                                around a chair, following a course in Wingate. Now
          After reading the September journal, I decided that   in my old age: I play Bridge thanks to Batya and the
          something else good happened in 1929:- I was born!    late Herbert Messner; phone and visit friends, many
          And under the influence of what you and others wrote,   of whom are also from Habonim: Sylvia & Len Green,
          I decided that I too had lived and was led by         Lionel Holland, Rena Minkoff, Thea & Pivy Pitt,
          Habonim to my destiny. So here goes:
                                                                Barbara Roche, Raynor Rosenberg, George Salinger,
          Thank you Harold Hirsch for making me realize the     Judith & Len Solomons, not forgetting those who
          supreme importance of Habonim in my life and          have died. A happy existence with three children,
          Aryeh Wolfin for explaining to me why I still         6+1 so far, grandchildren and Danielle my great-
          subscribe to the journal, even after Zvi Rosenberg    grandchildren, all living in Israel.

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