Page 8 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - September 15
P. 8
“Y staff at home! One year we were visited by a
ou are now members of a
Movement called Habonim. It
Muslim Ministerial colleague of Mr. Morarji
means the builders – the builders
of Eretz Israel.” With these few words addressed Desai, India’s prime minister from 1977-1979.
to six young lads on a sunny Sunday morning in After the outbreak of WWII, some of our
February 1935 in the garden of the David members decided to make aliya but this was
Sassoon Library in Bombay, Habonim was delayed as the necessary immigration certificates
formed in India by Mr. A. Manasseh and Mr. S. for Jews from India and from South Africa from
Ezra, active members of Bombay’s Jewish the British Mandatory Administration in
community. Once the seed was sown, the Palestine were not forthcoming owing to urgent
Movement progressed steadily. Groups were situations elsewhere. Eventually, our chaverim
subsequently formed in Calcutta on India’s east obtained the aforesaid certificates and went to
coast, Cochin in south India and, later, in Kfar Blum in Galilee, or ‘Kibbutz Anglo-Baltic’
Singapore. Inspiration for the Movement came as it was then called. In 1942, a United Nations
from England and South Africa. The Habonim pageant and procession was organised in
manuals were faithfully followed in organising Bombay to stimulate the war effort and we in
its structure and activities. Habonim were in the contingent representing
Palestine Jewry. The Movement also provided
The first gedud was called Gedud Sion and we the first members of Maccabi and subsequently
used to assemble every Sunday morning at the Bnei Akiva in Bombay. A number of our
Fort Synagogue rooms for lessons in Hebrew, chaverim volunteered for the Armed Forces
Jewish history, the Prophets, the geography of (there being no conscription) and I was
Palestine, as well as for Hebrew songs and commissioned a sub-lieutenant in the Royal
dances (shirim and rikudim). We learnt about the Indian Naval Volunteer Reserve (RINVR).
beginnings of the Zionist movement, Herzl, Ben-
Gurion, the Balfour Declaration, the early Shortly following the end of the war, a
kibbutzim and other pioneering ventures. We hachsharah farm was set up near Alibag (with
were encouraged to distribute the Jewish the participation of the Bombay Zionist
National Fund blue boxes and I vividly recall the Association), a colourful Bnei-Israel village on
slogan at the time – “a penny a day drives the the Konkan coast. One of its prominent members
galuth away!” The highlight of the year’s was Abie Nathan, the peace-pilot, who made
activities was the annual camp at one or other of aliya in 1947. The farm closed down just before
the beautiful hill stations in Bombay Presidency, the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 as
as the province was then called in the days of the most of its members had already made aliya.
British Raj. Cultural and social events filled our They were the forerunners of the large-scale
day together with outdoor activities such as aliya of Jews from India and Singapore which
trekking, cross country runs, cooking and the began in 1949 leading to the rapid diminution of
like. Needless to say, we were hopeless at the South African and Far Eastern Jewish
cooking as this was done only by the domestic communities. Today there are more Indian Jews