Page 4 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - September 15
P. 4

           JUNE 2015


          T                          th                         "Harry Levy Quiz" was expertly handled by
                 he Annual Reunion in November 2014,
                 which marked the 85  anniversary of
                                                                Frank Farbenbloom.
                 Habonim UK, was attended by close to a
          hundred at the Eden Hotel in Zichron Yaakov.          Our sincere thanks for the success of the event
          We were indeed surprised by the turnout,              go to Coral, who coordinated and ensured its
          considering the limited number of membership          smooth running. It was backed up by Yigal, Alec
          subscriptions that had been received for 2014         and Frank, while Clive expertly handled the
          and - so far - that's good news.                      sound, and Geoffrey, Len and Phil, managed the
          The program was in keeping with the standards
          that we have set ourselves over the last decade. ,    The much-awaited meeting of the IBH
          The highlight was a talk by the former Israeli        committee, following the annual reunion, took
          ambassador to the United States, Dr. Michael          place in Haifa on the 10  March 2015 as
          Oren. He gripped the audience with his rhetoric,      scheduled, with the additional participation of
          whilst conveying very interesting content             the editorial committee of the Iton. The main
          concerning Israel-American relations, as well as      item on the agenda, in the wake of declining
          stressing the involvement of the American             membership and lack of interest on the part of
          Jewish community. As a result of his highly           the younger generation, was "where do we go
          informative talk, the audience came away with         from here?" Yours truly has been chairman for
          an increased awareness of the strategic               over 10 years with no replacement in sight. Phil's
          importance of Israel's relations with the United      resignation left the job of gizbar open, with Len
          States of America.                                    filling in temporarily whilst managing the amuta.
                                                                The Iton Editorial Committee is functioning well
          The second half of the program was a trip down        under Linda Levine and Gerry Kelman and its
          “memory lane" when our one and only Frank             editor, Harold Hirsch. In the ensuing debate,
          Farbenbloom reminded us…." who we were"               many ideas were aired, one of them being to
          through a PowerPoint slide presentation with          manage the organization virtually, which
          audience participation. The audience reacted          together with the Iton, the annual reunion and
          enthusiastically and many were seen drying the        the work in the archives could function
          tears of nostalgia from their eyes, as their          adequately. In conclusion, a triumvirate was
          teenage memories of camps, winter activities          appointed, consisting of Alec Collins, Yigal
          and tiyulim etc., were vividly recalled. The          Levine and Coral Navon, to steer the
          evening ended off with entertainment provided         organization through this crisis and it will aim to
          by the “Kippalive” acapella group and a "shira"       find a replacement chairman, gizbar and other
          conducted by Clive Noble. The following               functionaries. Yours truly will become Chairman
          morning, for those who remained, the traditional      Emeritus.

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