Page 6 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - September 15
P. 6

unique contribution to Israel's leisure/trivia          purchased on leaving the Kibbutz over 50 years
        pursuits, succeeding eventually in having his           ago. A Literary Editor and Translator, Valerie has
        crosswords published, firstly in “Ha'aretz,” then in    written and had published "biographical
        the monthly “Monitin” magazine. The latter              documentaries" and short stories in both Hebrew
        produced a book of 80 such puzzles in 1984. The         and English. Valerie's English translations of
        family re-issued a book of 50 of his crosswords in      contemporary Israeli drama include Nissim
        2009.  Amatsya died, just before his 77th birthday,     Aloni's "The Bride and the Butterfly Hunter" and
        in 2007.                                                Eddy King and Dan Almagor's musical theatre
                                                                piece "Ish Hassid Haya."
        Valerie lives in the house that she and Amatsya –
        parents of Havatselet (57) and Yochi (50) - first                             Compiled by Gerry Kelman

                             Amatsya conducting the Habonim Choir at a 25th anniversary event

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