Page 9 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - November 12
P. 9

Alec. The first is his being a “zig” person; apart      were and are popular to so many over so many
        from a natural sense of humour, Alec had and has        years as Alec.
        certain physical aspects which make him a natural       There has been discussion re the phrase “Master
        zig man. Soon after arriving at Kfar Hanassi he         Builder” over the last couple of years and of those
        was co-opted by Gershie Epstein and Joe Cina to         who were and those who weren’t. Surely Alec
        what may have been one of the best zig groups           should be without the quoting “of that there is no
        that Habonim had ever known. Alec was a                 possible, probable shadow of doubt. No possible
        member of that group until its natural demise. The      doubt whatever.”
        second thing that stands out about Alec is his
        popularity. Lots of people are known over long
        periods of time but there can be very few who           Len Goodman

                    Seated Left to Right: Alec, Giora Goodman, Len Goodman… celebrating Alec’s 80 , 021  דע

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