Page 5 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - November 12
P. 5
F growing.
rank was born in 1930 in London and
attended the Jewish Solomon Wolfson
Tommy Berman, in a graveside eulogy …
Primary school. In 1939, he was
outstanding personality in the group. And this
evacuated with his brother, Leonard, to Redruth, "Frank was Mazkir of the group and an
Cornwall. Although nearly 10 years of age, he continued throughout the years - in the
was considered too young to attend Marylebone Movement, on the Training Farm, on Shlichut
Grammar School. He (emissary work), and
was however accepted on the kibbutz, Frank
because of his brother was always at the
and thus began the centre of things. He
first grade a year early. was energetic and
On return to London in creative, and had an
1942, Frank continued outstanding talent for
at Marylebone leadership, with the
Grammar which ability to be critical in
included many a positive way. I do
students from believe that Frank was
Habonim. the most brilliant
Back in London, Frank person among our
joined Habonim, group, he was a fount
belonging to the West of wide and varied
London Ken with knowledge with a
Aliza Near "ל ז and sharp, fine sense of
Esther Newman Flax. humour, which
On leaving school, he began studying sometimes was not understood by those members
Accountancy but, after six months, he decided to who were not from an Anglo Saxon
join the Reading Hachshara; he had to pay his background."
meagre savings back to the firm. In 1948, after Frank and Devora married in June 1952 and
six months at Reading, he was inducted for continued Movement Work in different jobs in
National Service into the R.A.F. different “Kenim” until their Aliya to Kibbutz
On completion of his National Service in March Amiad in August 1954. Their first-born son –
1950, Frank enrolled at the 2 Habonim Yonatan - was born in 1953, the first baby of the
Institute in Manchester. It was here that he met new Garin Gimmel. In his early days at the
Devora Cohen who had completed the 1 Kibbutz, Frank worked in the banana plantation,
Institute and had been asked to stay on to help becoming Branch Head during which time
with running the house. Amiad bananas recorded countrywide
achievements in both efficiency and yields.
While Devora was sent to the Machon in
Jerusalem in 1951, Frank continued on In the early 1960’s, Frank and family (with their
Hachshara, working mainly in vegetable three children) were sent to UK as Shlichim both