Page 3 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - November 12
P. 3
O followed by an address by MK Ze'ev Bielski,
ver eight months have elapsed since our
who, in his stand-up fashion, let us in to the
annual reunion at the Blue Bay Hotel.
Since then, the familiar tensions
coupled with the existential threat have secrets of the life of a Member of the Knesset.
As usual, he was very interesting, humorous and
intensified as a result of the "Arab Spring" and entertaining.
the revolution in Egypt. But, who are we to
complain. We have learned to live with crises On a sombre note and with deep regret, our past
over the years - ever since we have been in the chairman and honorary president, Yoel Varod
country. Actually, we are not unique regarding הכרבל ונורכז, was conspicuous by his absence.
living in a tense atmosphere. During my visit to His presence and active participation in all our
five countries in Europe in the summer, topics of events was a regular feature, and we shall always
conversations and newspaper headlines reflected remember him.
fears of Iran, terrorism and the impending Following the presentation of the Irbutz (urban
collapse of the Euro, not to mention political kibbutz) at last year's reunion, much interest was
scandals and corruption in the "green and aroused, which encouraged us to organize a visit
pleasant land," where the Pound Sterling is to the site in Nazareth Elite. Unfortunately,
holding its own (with difficulty). owing to weather conditions at the time, the visit
did not materialize and we apologise for that.
The program of the reunions of the last two
years was based on a theme relevant to our We'll try again.
narrative, such as "Aliya Bet" two years ago, and Much praise goes to Denis Shifrin and his team,
"100 Years Kibbutz" last year. This year we had Sylvia Flowers and Gerry Kelman, on their
a very good program, but without a theme, successful efforts in bringing out the last issue of
which included two interesting speakers and the Iton, in the wake of Yoel's sudden death,
professional entertainment. David Horowitz, before he managed to complete it. Denis
former editor of the Jerusalem Post and current succeeded in producing a great issue and beating
editor of the online "Times of Israel", gave us an the race against time. By all opinions, the last
interesting and thought-provoking insight into issue is an outstanding read. The present issue
the reality in which we are living, in the second will be under the guiding hand of Harold Hirsch,
decade of the 21st century. We were cheered up our new editor, and no doubt future issues will
in the evening with Gypsy, Balkan, Folk and acquire a new look.
Klezmer music, sung and played by the Haifa-
based ensemble "La Vache Qui Rit." Their tones The success of this year’s annual reunion is
touched our emotionally sensitive ethnic nerves. thanks to the unremitting efforts of the Annual
The morning proceedings commenced at nine Reunion team – Coral Navon, Geoffrey Felberg,
o’clock with the Annual Harry Levy Quiz, under Alec Collins, Wendy and Clive Noble,
the renowned quizmaster, Frank Farbenbloom, representing the younger generation, and yours
who racked our brains. Two hours later, it was truly. Special thanks go to Coral our general