Page 8 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - November 12
P. 8


        A                                                       After working for a month in the fishponds, Alec
                 lec Collins was literally born into
                 Habonim even before the Movement
                                                                was called upon to replace the Merakez Binyan of
                 came to Leeds. A cousin, Hettie Ze’evi,
                                                                chosen profession. He was Merakez until 1965
        went from Habonim to Kfar Blum, another cousin,         the kibbutz. Very soon Alec was working in his
        Zvi Shur was Mazkir Habonim in the late                 when he was sent as Shaliach to British Habonim.
        “Forties,” before he left for Kfar Hanassi and          He spent three years up North, organizing
        Anna Shur, Zvi’s sister, went from Hachshara to         moadonim in several cities where the Batim had
        Bet HaEmek.                                             since closed down. He returned to Kfar Hanassi

        Alec was a Boneh in Leeds                                                    and his job as Merakez
        Habonim during WW2,                                                           Binyan, a position which he
        becoming a very active                                                        held for the next twenty
        Vatik in the years 1946-8.                                                    years whilst also upgrading
        After leaving school, he                                                      his professional knowledge
        began to study civil                                                          at the Technion in Haifa. In
        engineering in Leeds and                                                      1989 Alec was sent by the
        after receiving his degree,                                                   kibbutz to the Upper
        went to Dublin, where he                                                      Galilee Regional Council
        helped to form a Hachshara                                                    where he became Secretary
        with Geoff Halperin and                                                       of the Council Building
        also worked in the             "I told you so!"                               Committee and also held
        Movement. Returning to England he got practical         other posts for over ten years. During this period
        experience for a couple of years until going to         great changes were taking place in the kibbutzim -
        London as Rosh Tsofim in late 1954, working also        mainly privatisation.
        as the Madrich of West London Peleg.                    Alec joined a small group of people dealing with
        He was active with several other people during          all the new problems that privatisation brought to
        that period in the debate taking place of               the lifestyle of the members of the kibbutz,
        immediately going on Aliya or firstly acquiring a       including those specifically dealing with
        profession. He strongly supported the latter            parcellation of the kibbutz housing and
        opinion. It was during this time that he met Edna       infrastructure.
        Bergmann who was Rosh Bonim; they married in            The kibbutz also decided to develop housing for
        early 1957 before going on Aliya later that year.       outsiders, people wanting a kibbutz lifestyle but
        Alec had been a member of Garin Gimmel which            not wanting to be members. Alec, naturally, also
        by then had settled at Kibbutz Amiad but was            assisted with this subject.
        encouraged to form a new group which eventually         Now over 80 and still working part-time, 55 years
        became Garin Hey. The group came on Aliya and           as a member of Kfar Hanassi, he considers that he
        went on Hachshara at Kibbutz Maayan Zvi,                was fully justified in bringing professional
        eventually landing up as a very good support            knowledge when coming on Aliya. Two other
        Garin to Kfar Hanassi in 1958.                          aspects of his life are important when thinking of

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