Page 10 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - November 12
P. 10


          “Never mind the weather as long as
          we’re together.”


          N                                                     In the morning, some visited Ely Cathedral with
                   ice weather for ducks…. moorhens,
                   coots and swans - plenty of those
                                                                its famed hammer beam roof, carved angels and
                   gliding happily on the river past our
                                                                ‘mediaeval wonder of the world’ chose instead
          hotel’s picture windows while we mortals              stained glass. Those already familiar with this
          sheltered from the constant downpour.                 to go by boat round St Ives, local guides
                                                                explaining the history and the many natural and
          In the middle of April’s rain-sodden drought, 34
          of us gathered for our 12th get- together in St       man- made sites we passed. Kind of them to
          Ives, Cambridgeshire, a charming 11th century         venture out for us, as the weather wasn’t
          market town, little changed over 1000+ years. It      welcoming.
          boasts a statue to                                                                   Later, during the
          Oliver                                                                               planned free
          Cromwell, who                                                                        time, some
          once lived and                                                                       stayed dry while
          farmed there - a                                                                     others braved
          controversial                                                                        the rain and
          edifice as half                                                                      explored the
          the locals are                                                                       town on foot.
          proud of their                                                                       Before dinner
          past resident and                                                                    Martin Nelson
          half still hostile.
                                                                                               spoke on “The
          Fortunately,                                                                         Jews in Sub-
          Nick, Denise and                                                                     Saharan Africa”.
                                Great River Ouse (in fairer weather)
          Phil had organised a                                  He took us on a well-researched journey from
          full programme for the weekend to keep us             migration through North Africa to Nigeria,
          entertained as well as dry. Settling down after a     Ghana, Somalia, Ethiopia, The Cameroons,
          first rate Shabbat dinner, a Bedouin in traditional   Kenya, South Africa and many others, The
          dress greeted us. This turned out to be Avi           visual aid this time was not living but consisted
          Shivtiel, a living visual aid to his fascinating talk   of helpful slide presentation of a map of the
          ‘Were our ancestors Bedouin?’ We learned a lot        region and the written names of some
          about early tribes, their travels and customs, still   unpronounceable tribes. We learned that their
          practised today. Avi’s winning presentation style     claim to be Jewish has no scientific evidence,
          coupled with his depth and breadth of                 but is based on their adherence to familiar
          knowledge never ceases to impress.                    rituals, dietary laws and practices.

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