Page 15 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - November 12
P. 15
he either had to go into the Army or else take up it did. It would make an interesting subject for a
another scholarship to do a Ph.D and join the Ph.D.
Academic Reserve. The day after he got his I do think that those chaverim who had to delay
Ph.D. he went to London to work in Hechalutz, their aliyah for various reasons and therefore
whiling away his free time translating Medieval went to University did not detract from the
Hebrew poetry into English- a new use for a Movement’s strength. Rather they reinforced it
Ph.D. in Chemistry. He then joined the David and the Movement continued to inspire them
Eder Farm where he worked for a time as a long after they had left their p'lagim. That is why
labourer before co-running the Noar with Fay they and others like them who went to kibbutz
Crystal (Jackman). This was followed by a and later left have contributed so much to so
period as head of the Habonim Institute in many different spheres of influence.
Manchester. From there he made aliyah with
Garin Gimmel, served two years in the Nachal As a feminist I must admit that I cannot add any
and spent time in Kibbutz Gal Ed and Kibbutz chavurot to the list. Is this because they were
Amiad before joining the Weizmann Institute of exempt from Army Service and could work in
Science in Rehovot where he became Prof. of the Habonim Batim and Hachsharot during and
Biophysics. after the War and therefore did not have the
same opportunity to go to university? They
I cannot state definitely that the same situation certainly have added their bit to building up the
existed in other p'lagim but I am pretty sure that
Tel Aviv University Medical School