Page 19 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - November 12
P. 19


          The following notes were compiled by Yehuda Erdman from an interview with Bill
          Stewart, Farm Manager at the David Eder farm from 1958 to 1971… read on

          Many of our chaverim were unaware of his life         lived separately at the farm and had lessons
          story. Bill was born in 1916 in a small mining        given by teachers who also lived with them.
          village, Kirk Merrington, in the Durham               These youngsters lived in the original farmhouse
          coalfields, where his family had lived for            of Pot Hill, whereas the Hachshara lived in a
          generations. His father was a miner and was           large country house with many rooms. If there
          determined that Bill would not follow him down        was a surplus of people the farm couldn’t
          the mines so, after leaving school at 14, he was      employ at the Eder Farm, Bill used contacts he
          sent away from home to work on a farm. After          had in the local community to help them get paid
          moving to various farms, he went to an                work.
          agricultural college run by the Cadbury family in     Over the years Bill was in charge, he saw a great
          Worcester. During the (Second World) War, Bill        improvement in the quality of the farm, which
          was in a "reserved occupation" and worked as          was essential to give good training. For instance,
          Manager’s Assistant in an Approved School for         he started with just a few cows but there were 75
          Boys in Redhill and this experience laid the          at the end; and poultry went up from 200 hens to
          foundation for being able to help youngsters          5,000. Later on, a mill was introduced with a silo
          later on at the Eder Farm.                            to store the grain which was used to make “cattle

          He became an Estate Manager in Devon and also         cubes”, as part of the balanced rations including
          taught youngsters at the Devon school of              hay and the grass from the farm.
          Agriculture at Newton Abbott. By now, Bill was        When the Conference centre was built at the
          married to Aileen, known as Anne, and with a          Eder Farm, Anne was officially employed to run
          boy and a girl, Roderick and Margaret he              it and this provided an opportunity to teach
          succeeded as Farm Manager at the David Eder           people from the Hachshara and prepare them for
          Farm near Dial Post in Sussex, in January 1958.       the experience of the Kibbutz life. After the farm
          One of his tasks was to help dispose of other         closed down in 1971/72, Anne and Bill kept the
          “Mishkei Hachsharah” owned by the Zionist             Conference centre going as a dual concern for
          Federation of Great Britain, which were no            some years. The farm was sold “lock, stock and
          longer in use. This included Harrietsham in           barrel” including a fully-equipped new work-
          Kent, Hurst Grange near Reading, and the very         shop.
          Orthodox training farm at Thaxted.                    As an aside, when Rikki Samuel and I visited
          The David Eder Farm was previously named Pot          Bill a few years after this interview, Rikki
          Hill Farm, about 150 acres, and, when Bill took       discovered that Bill had been a Freemason all his
          over, the farm had “crops, a handful of cattle,       adult life and had risen up the Masonic hierarchy
          and a handful of poultry.” For general purposes,      over the years. Bill was always delighted to hear
          Bill thought the youngsters would have to earn        from former chaverim at the Eder Farm and,
          their own money and the farm business                 when he received visitors, he would always say
          supported itself. However the capital investment      “You’ve made my day!” It was my great
          was not there at the start. Bill also commented       privilege as a youngster to have had him as my
          that there was a younger group on the Noar who        mentor, and later in life a friend.

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