Page 16 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - November 12
P. 16




          F                                                     Commission which he was leading to Palestine,
                or many of us the הוח - David Eder Farm -
                was one of the cornerstones of the
                                                                as its medical officer. From the moment that he
                Movement in the early days, even if we
          weren't incarcerated there. But who exactly was       arrived in Palestine and for the rest of his life
                                                                Eder was an ardent Zionist, and a great devotee
          this man who like “Old MacDonald” appeared to                          of Weizmann.
          have a farm?                                                           The Zionist Commission's task

          David Eder was a man of                                                in Palestine was complicated
          many parts. A doctor, one of                                           by the opposition of the British
          the founding psychoanalysts in                                         military administration
          Britain, a socialist, a Fabian                                         (OETA) and in general the
          and a Zionist, both in Palestine                                       atmosphere between the two
          and in Britain up to his death                                         entities was continuously
          in 1936. The הוח was dedicated                                         strained. Each of the members
          to him and his work and was                                            was given a specific task
          opened a year before he died,                                          which would help them to get
          but he probably never dug the                                          inside the Yishuv and throw
          soil of mid Sussex.                                                    some light on its relationship

          His strong Socialist ideology                                          with the OETA. Eder's task
          led him to practice medicine in                                        was to build up contacts with
          the mining villages in the                                             the ultra religious Jerusalem
          North of England and the slums   David Eder           Jews and to try and find an alternative to the
          of London, but up till 1917, he had no contact        הקולח (charity) system.
          with the recently emerging Zionist movement           Most members of the Commission stayed for
          and even thought that the concept of Zionism          only a few months, but Eder remained in
          conflicted with his socialism.                        Palestine for a further four years. Weizmann
          His induction into Zionism was via his famous         with his far-reaching role on the Zionist
          cousin Israel Zangwill. The two of them had           international stage could not spend much time in
          shared a flat when they were students and had         Palestine. When he left in September 1918,
          remained close friends. Zangwill, the leading         officially Jabotinsky was his second-in-
          proponent of the 'Uganda scheme' persuaded            command. Eder got on well with him, but in
          Eder to join a mission to Cyrenaica (Libya) to        reality it was Eder, who ran the show in
          check out the possibilities of Jewish settlement      Weizmann’s absence.
          there.                                                Harry Sacher, who knew Eder for 40 years,
          Following that, even though Zangwill and              wrote that of all the leaders and friends within
          Chaim Weizmann (President of the Zionist              the Zionist Movement Eder was the most
          Organisation) were sworn political enemies,           beloved of all. He described him as ‘a strong
          Weizmann invited Eder to join the Zionist             character rooted in perfect integrity, perfect

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