Page 14 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - November 12
P. 14



          I                                                     their brethren in Palestine and were keeping out,
              t may seem strange that a chalutzic Youth
                                                                by force of arms, the pathetic remnant that was
              Movement has produced such a profusion of
              professors and professionals. They too have
          contributed an important part in the building up      trying to reach the shores of Eretz Yisrael?
                                                                University was an honourable way out for many
          of the State. At one time people were slightly        of them.
          ashamed to have left the kibbutzim for a              I was a member of the Senior Chavurat Vatikim
          different kind of greener fields. I know I was.       in Glasgow at that time (1945-1948). Out of a
          Kibbutz and agriculture no longer were the            group of about 15, most were students at
          highest achievement for members of Habonim; it        University, mainly studying to be doctors with a
          seemed there were other possible areas of             dentist or two. We had only one “genuine”
          hagshama azmit.
                                                                member of the protelariat, Victor, who was a
          I think this came about due to a certain situation    plumber. It was probably the same in other
          which existed in the years 1945-1948. During          p’lagim. It was accepted and acceptable and
          these years Habonim was a flourishing youth           some of them were excellent madrichim. In
          movement with large numbers of idealistic             Glasgow our Rosh Peleg was the late Hermy
          young people imbued with a strong sense of            Pearlman and as a university graduate himself,
          motivation but they could not, due to the current     he was amenable to the situation.
          political situation, go on hachsharah and aliyah.     When the State was declared in 1948 things
          The Hachsharot could only absorb so many of           changed radically. Israel was now open to all
          them and very few could get legal certificates to     comers and the great need was for chalutzim to
          go on aliyah. Those already on hachsharah were        build and defend the new state.
          exempt from serving in the Forces as being
          agricultural labourers. There was one other           In the Movement the imperative also changed.
          possibility open to them - university students        We had a new Rosh Peleg who gave our Senior
          were also exempt whilst studying and surely the       Vatikim an ultimatum. Hachsharah followed by
          war would end soon - so many of them took up          aliyah or else leave the movement. No more
          that option.                                          equivocation was allowed. As a “worker” (I was
                                                                a dressmaker then) I was semi-kosher. I was still
          The war and its aftermath changed things for          a possible candidate for hachsharah and aliyah
          many of the young 18 year -olds due to be called      whereas my university friends had no future in
          up. At the end of the war, with the intensification   the movement. Doctors were definitely out,
          of the strife between the British Mandatory           chalutzim in.
          Government and the Jewish settlers in Palestine,
          many chaverim faced a dilemma. It was one             For instance, my late husband, Harold Flowers
          thing to be in the Army and fight the Nazis but       of Leeds, was one of those who got his call-up
          to be in the Army and fight against what they         papers but he had an out. He had gone to high
          believed in deeply was anathema. How could            school as a scholarship boy and had won a
          they serve in a British Army that was oppressing      scholarship to Leeds University which he took
                                                                up. On finishing his B.Sc. Hons. in Chemistry,

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