Page 4 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - November 12
P. 4
manager, who was concerned with every detail present generation, two generations after us - the
of the organization, and Geoffrey, who as usual, "high-tech" generation, many of whom have
devoted himself to the administration and transformed the hitherto pioneering country that
finances, and added a very professional touch to we came to, into a hi-tech superpower (second
the financial proceedings. The rest of the only to Silicon Valley), view the world through a
committee, Michael Schnur, Eddie Rivlin, Len global prism, in keeping with universal western
Goodman and Frank Farbenbloom, provided values, and less through a Jewish one. If they
much needed backup and are contributing to the have their way, there will be no more wars and
smooth running of the event. Please keep in Israel will be a flourishing country, but living
touch with what's going on through our outside Israel would always be an alternative, in
webpage,, expertly the event of things being different. After all, the
managed by Frank Farbenbloom. historic events that influenced our lives, for them
are preserved in history books.
This year we held a pilot poll at the "reunion", in
order to assess the changes in our attitudes since A similar attitude exists amongst Jewish youth in
we made aliya from the home country. the Diaspora which even makes British Habonim
Unfortunately, we were unable to produce a movement with the emphasis on universal
meaningful results, but on certain core issues, values and less on specific Jewish and Zionist
emanating from many answers to one of the ones, with Israel taking on a secondary place.
questions, a direction was discernible. Our But let's not lament, for anti-Semitic rhetoric in
attitudes are anchored in the historical events the world is reaching 1930's style peaks and it is
that we witnessed in our lifetime such as The reasonable to assume that Israel will return to its
Second World War, the Holocaust, the British proper place, if or when the time comes. Shame
Mandate, the UN Partition Plan of Palestine, the there was no Israel in the 1930's.
Declaration of Independence, etc, not to mention
all the wars we experienced as soldiers and
civilians up until the present day. In contrast, the
Irgun Bogrei Habonim
With regret we report the death of our chaverim
ךורב םרכז יהי
Hanan (Hans) Waizner North London, Moshav Habonim, Beth Protea
Asher Peled (Arnold Flax) Manchester, Beit Haemek
Roy Abb North London, Kfar Hanassi
Piers Coleman Dublin, Amiad, Even Yehuda
Irene Shane Leeds, Kfar Hanassi
Selma Davis Dublin, Manchester, Kfar Shmaryahu, Kfar Hanassi
Shimon Ben Yehuda Kindertransport, Kfar Hanassi, Sheffield
We extend our condolences to their families