Page 59 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 59

when  I  found  various  cafés  serving            At  Hurst  we  had  Malcolm  Tatarsky  “the
               Indonesian food to stimulate my palate. Each       mad  Russian”  to  keep  us  amused.  In  ‘S
               menu discovery seemed better than the              Graveland we had Rafi a slight youth under
                                                                  18 who could not only make people laugh but

                                                                  could balance any article that could be lifted.
                                                                  If it was small, he balanced it on his finger, if

                                                                  it was larger, on his hand, right up to a chair
                                                                  with a leg as the fulcrum. He had the chevra

                                                                  in hysterics laughing at me, when he taught
                                                                  me apparently innocuous  phrases  in  Dutch,
                                                                  that sounded perfect in my ears, until when I
                                                                  repeated them to learn them, they turned out
                                                                  to be dirty expressions.

                        Habonim in Holland - 1950s
               previous  one.  I  visited  the  world-famous
               Rijksmuseum,  also  the  Stedelijk  and  Van
               Gogh  Musea.  Another  gem  for  me  was  a
               match for something I had missed in London
               -  the  Bevis  Marks  synagogue.  Amsterdam
               boasts  a  late  16th  Century  Portuguese
               Synagogue, which has no electric lighting. It
               is  illuminated  by  giant  brass  candelabras
               whose  candlelight  illuminates  the  interior             Habonim in Holland - 1950s
               darkness.  Participating  in  the  Kol  Nidrei
               Night service there is a never to be forgotten     As  with  Garin  Gimmel  the  chaverim
               experience, with the service conducted in the      eventually  spread  out  across  Israel.  There
               warm  glow  of  additional  candles,  jammed       were    Bram     Baer    and    Mordechai
               into candle holders adjacent to the Machzor        Erlichman  who  paired  with  a  girl  named
               from which I was reading. What a place!            Ruti. Jaap van Praag was the person who
                                                                  introduced himself at the start of our stay and
               On the Habonim summer cycling camp, we
               crossed the Afsluit Dijk separating the North      he  had  a  friend,  Shulamit.  There  was  also
               Sea from the polders, to arrive in Gelderland      Hans  Kapper,  which  I  found  out  meant
               with its Kroller Muller museum, containing a       barber, and Joop de Vries plus a girl with a
               huge  collection  of  Van  Gogh’s  work.  The      well-known  name,  Rivka.  Other  names,
               sculpture park, set in the midst of the national   which  ring  fully  Nederlands  are  Guus
               park, is worthy of a visit in its own right. The   Scheverschurder,  Zeev  Bardfeldt  and
               great  thing  about  the  countryside  was  its    Chava  van  Gelder,  who  were  the  senior
               flatness,  making  cycling  a  doddle  with  not   chaverim, almost madrichim.
               too much effort.                                   Many  years  later  in  Tel  Aviv,  looking  for
                                                                  work as  an  Israeli Tour Guide,  I wandered
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