Page 58 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 58
If you think back, almost every radio in those The Caterpillar repair company was on the
days with a wooden or Bakelite frame had the other side of the Ij, a remnant of the Rhine
radio station, Hilversum. Holland had four Delta, today a bay in the Zuyderzee. Leaving
stations in those years; and just down the road
from us on Leeuwenlaan, was the AVRO
studio, which I visited a couple of times.
AVRO was a public broadcasting station,
KRO was the Catholic station and NCRV,
Nederlands Christian Radio Organisation.
Decades later I worked for the NCRV Travel
organisation, guiding Dutch Christian groups
in Israel. None of the small circle of Dutch
speaking guides in Israel during the late
1900s had been on Hachshara.
I first worked in the Habonim in Holland - 1950s
Hachshara’s huge the station, I boarded the company launch to
house’s vegetable the factory on the far side of the canal.
garden, tutored by Nobody quite knew what to do with me, so I
Mijnheer Mann a was given to the travelling mechanic who
local farmer. There used me as his mate. We went out to farms,
was a shaliach, Zeev, where the tractors had broken down and I
Habonim in Holland who made us laugh, for assisted him with his repairs. I did not learn
1950s when he spoke a single much, but I did have some interesting Dutch
sentence it could meals. In the early 50s not so long after the
contain words from four languages: German, notorious “Hunger Winter”, when many of
Dutch, Ivrit, or English. You never knew the population ate grass in lieu of greens, we
what word would come next and often had to were invariably hosted with Aardappellen en
guess the meaning.
Jus - Potatoes and Gravy. It appeared daily,
As an aid to my training as a mechanic, I was no matter where we went.
found a job in Amsterdam. I went to work for The Hachshara differed from ours in the U.K.
a Caterpillar Tractor repair company called In Holland, the chaverim mainly went home
Chee Ve Ke. Each day I hopped on a bicycle for the weekend. I was often invited to the
and cycled from ‘S Graveland where we homes of the parents of chaverim, which not
lived, into the heart of Hilversum, to the only improved my Dutch and knowledge of
railway station.
the Nederlands but gave me the opportunity
Upon arriving in Mokum, I discovered that I to savour real Dutch cuisine.
would have to leave the railway station by the I frequented Amsterdam, finding my way
back door.
around. The canals were fascinating, and I
frequently rewarded myself after the walks,