Page 54 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 54
and that Google confirmed. This was so And, of course, there was the infamous
severe that Winter Activities were relocated Marquis of Granby pub, where the
to Manchester Ken. A very intense few days, madrichim “relaxed”.
and I remember coming home after this and Manchester Ken in the 70s was home to:
sleeping for 24 hours, solid.
CAWPIF * (answers
on a postcard or at the
end of the article).
The Epess,
which was something
built by Shloimy
Alman that lived in
the cellar and could be
sat upon.
The Hole in
the Ground: an ace
folk club in the cellar,
run by Stan and Phil,
with such legendary
performers as Mike
1968 Winter Activities Manchester Moadon
Hagalgalim: our own
folk group that played Israeli music in ethnic
Other events on the Habo calendar included dress – Ivri Tasker, Dina Katz, Elliot Wise,
Weekend Camp for the northern Kinim:
Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool. Usually,
in Yorkshire. Always in bivvies. One
particularly brilliant camp had the ultimate
‘wide game’ led by Ivri Tasker: We all
searched for Druids in pitch dark – it was
very frightening and adrenalin coursed
through our veins.
At another camp, Dave Brown went to
hospital after being hit by a stone at night;
the stone, if I recall the tale, was thrown
inadvertently by a friend from the top of a
hill. If my memory serves me well, this put 1969 “Hagalgalim”
a damper on any romantic plans that Steve, From Left on top: Elaine Baron, Phil Shilco, Sue Baron
Dave or Howard might have had. From Left, below: Shloimy Alman, Dina Katz, Ivri
Tasker, Elliot Wise, Pete Wittner