Page 55 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 55

the  Baron  twins,  Phil  Shilco  and  Pete        Unforgettable events:
                                                                       Howard and Russell’s Noar party.
               Local hotspots were:                                    Third seders in the gym with satirical
                     The  Green  Hut:  a  ten-minute  walk
                      away,  where  tuck  was  purchased.              Phil  Michaelson  being  thrown
                      (Also, where I bought sweets to bribe             through the glass doors and the blood
                      Erica Black into telling me all about             that flowed.
                      Gary. I had a huge crush!)                       The Chagigah – רחמ
                     Mamlock  House,  where  Habonim,                 Ken suppers
                      Hashomer and Bnei Akiva celebrated               Malachi  and  Dina:  shlichim.  Ivrit
                      Yom  Ha’atzmaut  together  with  the              lessons with slides. Malachi telling us
                      Jewish  Community.  In  those  days               about “scribbled eggs”
                      there was no segregated Rikudei Am in            Mike and Dave Brown’s New Year’s
                      Bnei Akiva, and we mingled together.              Eve  parties  held  at  their  home–  but
                     Broughton Park for ‘wide games’.                  can’t  remember  why  we  weren’t  at
                                                                        Veida then?
               Some “legends” of the time:                             Murder  ball  and  ‘British  Bulldog’  in
                                                                        the gym
                     Barry  Plotkin  –  my  first  Rosh  Ken
                      who hated Marmite.                          These are random memories of Manchester
                     Ivri                                        Ken and people from a specific period of time
                     Big Les and Little Les – legends? We        that  had  a  huge  effect  on  my  life.  I  made
                      loved saying their names.                   lifelong  friends  –  best  friends.  Friends  like
                     Sharon  Goodman  –  “Let’s  have            Voni who reminded me of Ken suppers and
                      spontaneous Rikudei Am in the Gym”          Broughton Park. She also remembers bonfire
                     Roger Noble                                 night  (as  does  Gary),  but  I  don’t  really
                                                                  remember  it  at  all.  Friends  and  former
               Infamous member of Manchester ken
                                                                  madrichim:  Howard  and  Gary,  Phil  and
                     Anna Mendelssohn of Angry Brigade           Joanne,  who  also  live  on  Mevo  Hama.
                      Fame. Her sister Judi was in Arad.          Friends like Hilary, who defected to Leeds,
                                                                  and much later to the States.

                                                                  And  Viv,  who  has  been  my  friend  forever
                                                                  (from the pram), and started Habonim with
                                                Anne              me.  She  reminded  me  that  we  stuck  it  out

                                             Mendelssohn          together.

                                             (Grace Lake)         The  list  of  Mancunians  and  Movement
                                                                  Workers, who played a significant part in my
                                                                  teenage  years  is  long  and  warming.
                                                                  Manchester Ken was a second home.

                 Many of the pictures in this article have        And yes, it was 7403826
                been provided by Ivri Tasker……ed                                                       Cheese and wine party in flat   
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