Page 60 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 60

into a Travel Agency and found one of my           As is well known a ‘g’ is pronounced like the
               chaverim  from  the  Nederlands,  Shlomo           Hebrew Chet in Holland. One day on a tram,
               Groenberg. If I remember correctly, he did         I was wearing my Habonim badge with the
               not give me any work. In 1952, while training      Ivrit  Beth  emblazoned  on  it.  Standing
               with the Garin in Gal Ed, on a Chofesh, I          alongside  me  in  the  crowded  vehicle,  a
                                                                  passenger started a conversation asking me if

                                                                  I  was  member  of  the  ‘Mishpaga’.  At  first
                                                                  confounded I realised that he was asking if I

                                                                  was a member of the ‘Mishpacha’. A short
                                                                  chat ensued that I have not forgotten.

                                                                  In the end only 3 of us came on Aliyah to Gal

                                                                  Ed, with Mike Finestone arriving later and
                                                                  moving with his family from Arad to open an

                                                                  optician  shop  close  to  where  he  lived  in
                                                                  Givataim. Ultimately, the entire time spent in

                                                                  Holland was well worthwhile. We enlarged
                                                                  our  perspectives,  which  were  perhaps
                                                                  previously  confined  to  technical  training,
                       Habonim in Holland - 1950s
                                                                  Zionism and Israel.
               visited  Mordechai  and  Ruth  Erlichman,

                                                                Pictures of
               who  had  settled  in  Lydda  (Lud)  and  were   Habonim in
               living  in  very  difficult  conditions.    Carla,   Holland in the

               who  was  on  Hachshara  with  us,  married    1950s, courtesy
                                                               of Orit Neriya,

               Howard  Harris.  Later  they  divorced  and    Kibbutz Amiad,
               Carla retired to a home near Kfar Saba.         bogeret Dutch

                                                                                     Howard and wife Roma

                                                                                        Spike Milligan with Howard

                         1952 First group of Garin Gimmel to        THE  ABOVE  IS  AN  EXCERPT  FROM  HOWARD’S  JUST
                            Hachsharah at Kibbutz Galed             PUBLISHED  BOOK, “THE  YEAR  OF  A  DREAM  1952-1953” -
                                                             60     THE HISTORY OF GARIN GIMMEL AT GALED – AVAILABLE ON
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