Page 63 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 63
when Asher and Mike got things going again Halpern, a Brit studying at Trinity, who now
and Gedud Palmach came into existence. lives in Tel Aviv,
Asher organized the Va’ad Le’Ma’an, Mike Those were special times. Israel had just
was Rosh Peleg.
come into being. Excitement was in the air
I don’t know how many of you knew Mike for all Jews. My uncle, with a couple of other
Abels. You can’t talk about Habonim of that young men, went off to fight in Machal. We
period without mentioning Mike. He was an danced horas and sang songs about Mansura,
iconic personality whether as our madrich, the site of Habonim’s 2nd kibbutz which
became Kfar Hanassi. “Ne’hi’ye Kulanu
Chalutzim” was the byword.
Here is an iconic photo taken in 1951, at a
Yom Atzma’ut Celebration with about 65
chaverim all ages.
Mike (Abels) Arbel at Veida, 1952
the Head Boy of our school, Wesley College,
Mazkir of British Habonim, the Habonim
Institute, Hachshara and then later at Bet
HaEmek (some of our younger bogrim may
have known him there as Mike Arbel) and
then in his final days undertaking missions
for Israel. Mike was a brilliant mathematician
but chose to be a chalutz. He personified the
concept of hagshama atzmit. In many ways Yom Ha’Atzmaut Dublin 1951
he was arguably one of the best contributions
Ireland has made to Israel. I don’t recall all the names of those in the
A favourite memory is of Mike, in shorts, picture so forgive me if I don’t mention you.
dancing with a Sefer Torah as he led us After all it was over 70 years ago. There’s
singing in the heart of downtown Dublin by Mike holding a flag on the right with me next
Trinity College. I think it was Purim or to him. Then, Goff Halpern helping
Shavuot but that’s not important. It is what Raymond Eppel with the other flag. Next to
Mike loved to do. Led by Mike, Habonim him are Stanley Smith and Norman Burton.
quickly grew. He was assisted by Goff In front of Goff is Estelle Resnick (now at