Page 67 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 67

THE ELIXIR OF HURST                                and  Milton  Taylor.  There  were  of  course
                                                                  many more there at that time, but they do not
               GRANGE                                             come into this study and so are not mentioned

               FRANCIS VAN EMDEN                                             Sylvia  and  Sheila  left  in  the
               F                                                             spring  of  1950  with  the  large
                      oreword:    I  am  not  a
                      scientist,  nor  have  I  had
                                                                             group that went to Bet HaEmek.
                      any  form  of  scientific
                                                                             next  generation,  who  in  the
                      training.  I  have  however                            Hurst Grange was then left to the
               had more than a passing interest in                           fullness  of  time  founded  Garin
               statistics. For this feature, I put the                       Gimmel.  I  have  no  precise
               blame  on  my  old  headmaster  at                            knowledge  of  how  many  were
               Raines  School,  who  for  want  of                           resident at the Grange during the
               anything  really  positive  to  say                           three-year  period  from  October
               about  me  in  my  school  leaving                            1949 to October 1952 but I would
               document wrote “he has a certain                              hazard a guess of between 40-50.
               ability  in  mathematics”.    This  just  goes  to   Out  of  that  number  I  have  a  list  of  14  ex-
               show that he must have been wiser than he          residents who are still alive and with us at the
               seemed.  For most of my working life I been        time of writing, and I would like to take this
               dealing with accounts and accounting.
                                                                  opportunity  to  wish  them  continued  good
               Since time immemorial mankind has sought           health and many more years of happy living.
               the Elixir of Life, or the Fountain of Youth,      I have no information regarding the mortality
               or  whatever  will  halt  or  delay  the  aging    rate of those who have unfortunately fallen
               process.  But before you get too excited, I can    by  the  wayside,  but  I  have  no  reason  to
               state categorically that I do not claim to have    believe  that  it  was  not  normal  for  such  a
               found  it.  I  merely  wish  to  put  before  you,   group,  although  one  particular  death  was
               certain facts for consideration.                   caused  by  an  accident*  and  not  by  natural
                                                                  causes.  I therefore put forward the premise

                                                                  that  the  number  who  have  survived  to  this
                                                                  day,  is  in  fact  way-above  what  we  would

                                                                  normally have expected.
                                                                  I have tried to find some logical explanation
                                                                  for  this  situation,  but  with  no  luck.  I
                                                                  examined the origins of each of the survivors

                                                                  but could find no common denominator.  A
                                                                  group of three hailed from that strange land

                      1952 Hurst Grange Hachsharah                north of Hadrian’s Wall (Scotland), another
                       Henry and Gila (Joyce) Cohen               small  group  came  from  Liverpool.  Sheila
               When I arrived at Hurst Grange in October          came from some tiny indeterminate spot in
               1949 (yes, it was in the last century), three of   the  center  of  England,  Howard  from
               the subjects of this study were already there –    Brighton  and  the  rest  were  Londoners.
               Sylvia  Rom  (Brook),  Sheila  Behr  (Tish)        Nothing  is  there  to  show  a  positive
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