Page 55 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 55

I do not remember who our madrichim were           and the Wolfson sisters, Barbara and Judith.
               in those early days, whether Robert Weber,         With  some,  I  remained  friends  until  I  left
               or Sylvia Poli (Flowers), Anna Shur, Jackie        Glasgow for Hachshara, and others, such as
               Lucas (Lapidot) or one of his brothers, all of     Agnes,  and  Gloria,  ended  up  for  a  time  at
               whom were just a few years older than their        Kibbutz Amiad.  Victor also went on Aliya,
               chanichim.  I  enjoyed  the  group  and  the       but  to  a  religious  kibbutz.  Later  on,  others
               activities: the dancing, singing, lectures, and    joined the Gedud, including Tommy Berman,
               tiyulim  into  the  Scottish  countryside.  We     and Basil Rifkind.
               built bricks out of cardboard and glue, and
               completed  the  Hakdashah  requirements,
               which were akin to boy scout tasks. To this
               day,  I  still  remember,  “I  promise  as  a
               Boneh…”.  We  learned  songs  about  the
               chalutzim, such as Trumpeldor, and danced
               the Hora and “Mayim-Mayim”. When I think
               about it now, all of this seems very strange,
               living  in  Scotland  and  singing  songs  about
               water and farm work. There certainly was no
               water shortage! The dancing was fun and I
               loved  the  singing,  even  though  I  did  not
               understand  the  words,  just  a  jumble  of
               sounds.  Communal  singing  became  an             There was much “flirting” between Habonim
               important  part  of  life  in  Israel,  often      and Bnei Akiva.  Many of us belonged to both
               reflecting nostalgia for times that never were     movements.  Perhaps  there was  a desire for
               and places long lost.                              more  religion  or  tradition,  or  it  may  have
                                                                  been  a  case  of  personal  friendships  and
                                                                  contacts, or the attraction of the opposite sex!
                                                                  After a few years, when I was about thirteen,

                                                                  I  joined  or  was  promoted  to  Plugat

                                                                   Eventually,  I  myself  became  a  madrich  in

                                                                  Giffnock,  one  of  the  newer  suburbs
                                                                  developing on the south side of Glasgow. I

                                                                  think  Scottish  Habonim  was  run  separately
                      Glasgow Third Seder – early days            from English Habonim. Because of the war,

                                                                  Glasgow  was  the  centre  of  the  Movement,
               I was quiet and a little introverted or shy. I     rather than London. Most of my early years
               remember only a few in the group, including        in Habonim were influenced by the war, and
               Agnes  Benjamin,  Victor  Kurtzman,  Ruth          then later by the struggle with Britain over
               Samuel,  Gloria  Lipton  (Tehila  Bak,  Haifa)     Aliya and the War of Independence. We all

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