Page 52 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 52
Headed, ‘A Jewish Jewish communities in English-speaking
Cultural Youth countries.
Movement’, it asked: The movement is purely voluntary in
“Is it true that Jewish character, the children joining because it
children nowadays are provides them with a stimulating scheme in
bored by Jewish ritual which they find plenty of opportunity for
and traditions or self-expression and self-instruction; and
Jewish history and besides, it is ‘very good fun’.
knowledge – in fact
by anything Jewish? The terminology used by Bonim is all
Is it true that Tom Mix Hebrew, and the words are in fact those
lies nearer to their hearts than Judas employed by the Jewish youth in Palestine,
Maccabeus or Bar Kochba or Trumpledor? Is today, in their games. Thus, Bonim are
it true that Roundheads and Cavaliers mean brought in touch with renascent Jewish life in
more to the average Jewish child in England Eretz Israel and as many of the tests which
than Marranos and Cabbalists, or Reubenis or the Bonim take voluntarily concern various
Rabbi Loeb? aspects of Palestine, such as geography, flora
and fauna, climate and so on, they gradually
The answer is NO – quite definitely no. become familiar with the conditions in the
Those of us who have been responsible for Jewish Homeland.
the framing of Habonim were convinced that
the only reason why Jewish children showed The movement does not, however, neglect
more enthusiasm for the non-Jewish subjects any of the many other sides of Jewish cultural
referred to was that Jewish knowledge has, as heritage, and the scheme provides ample
a rule, been presented to them so opportunity for inculcating a knowledge of
unattractively that their interest was alienated every aspect of things Jewish.
and their attention directed to other things. The first gedud was recently established in
Habonim is an attempt to remedy this state of Glasgow, and work is progressing rapidly
affairs by providing a movement which is among the tironim (recruits), who are eager
attractive to children between the ages of 12- to pass the first test (Hakdashah), which
16. It gives them an opportunity to acquire a entitles them to call themselves Bonim.
knowledge of things Jewish in a way which Those who doubt that Jewish children will
arouses their interest and enthusiasm. The eagerly spend a considerable amount of their
movement is still very young, but there are in free time in acquiring Jewish knowledge,
existence about 12 gedudim (units) in meanwhile finding it tremendous fun, should
London, the provinces and New York.
take an opportunity of visiting Gedud Tel Hai
Quite recently ‘Habonoth’, a movement on at the Talmud Torah, Elgin Street, on any
identical lines for girls, was successfully Wednesday evening. There, they will find the
launched, and there is every indication that first 24 Bonim engaged in working at their
both Habonim and Habonoth are going to madragoth, playing games, acting
take their places in the framework of the