Page 58 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 58

For several years it really became my second       Those halcyon and happy days spent in the
               home, and it was here that I learnt what no        Bayit definitely equipped me with a set of life
               formal education can ever provide.                 skills, which have always played, and even
                                                                  today, continue to play such an important part
               A sense of responsibility while having fun,
               the leadership qualities needed so that a 16-      in who and what I am.
               year-old    could   enthuse    14-year-olds,       So,  thank  you,  the  Bayit  in  Sinclair  Drive,
               independence of thought, the meaning of all        you may no longer exist as you did then but
               those  -isms  we  espoused,  and  of  course       for me you will never be forgotten.
               friendships that have endured for more than        The writer, George (Yigal) Levine, lives in
               60 years.
                                                                  Tel Baruch Tsafon, North Tel Aviv, with his
               It was in Sinclair Drive that I first heard a new   Mancunian  wife,  Linda.  They  have  3
               language  which  at  the  time  was  quite         daughters and 8 grandchildren. Yigal was the
               incomprehensible.  When  sitting  with  the        Managing  Director  of  the  British  Olim
               chevrei in the Unique Café, someone always         Society  and  subsequently  Deputy  Director
               shouted out “anyone want odds?”. I always          for  Trade  and  Investment  at  the  British
               thought they meant what were the odds that         Embassy  in  Tel  Aviv.  Now  retired,  he
               the Special of the Day was Deep Fried Mars         volunteers at the Museum of the Diaspora in
               Bar; or when we sang “Hava Nagila” with            Tel Aviv, at the Habonim Archives together
               great gusto, I also had no idea what on earth      with Linda, and is the Israel Representative
               a Nagila was. But even then, I could wing it       of the Kadoorie Charitable Trust.
               with  the  best  of  them.  I  simply  cannot
               imagine what growing up in the West End of
               Glasgow would have been like without the
               influence of the Bayit in Sinclair Drive.

               With the benefit of hindsight, I can definitely
               say  that  my  days  spent  in  the  Bayit
               determined  the  future  course  of  my  life,
               which is currently in North Tel-Aviv. From
               the  Bayit  in  Glasgow  to  the  Machon  in
               Jerusalem,  (difficult  to  imagine  two  less
               similar  places),  to  Movement  Work  in
               Manchester  via  the  Hachshara  at  the  Eder
               Farm, and it was in Manchester that I met and      6, Sinclair Drive
               married my wife, Linda (she had only been in
               Habonim for 5 minutes, so all of my more
               farbrente  colleagues  accused  me  of
               “marrying out”, but  interesting to  note that
               most of them, unlike me, do not live here in
               Israel), but I digress…

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