Page 61 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 61

GLASGOW HABONIM – 1956-                            Cuban Missile Crisis. Many were the earnest
                                                                  discussions  that  our  Vatikim  group  had  in
               1962                                               contemplating what we would do if the “4-

                                                                  minute  nuclear  warning”  was  given,  or
               IAN FULTON                                         participation in the Aldermaston anti-nuclear


                                                                  Although, like many of my contemporaries, I
                                                                  was a member of a Garin with the intention
                                                                  of settling in Israel, subsequently and sadly
                                                                  this did not come to fruition. I did become an
                                                                  optronics development engineer for 12 years
                                                                  with  a  then,  well-known  Glasgow  hi-tech
               H                                                  defence  company.  I  was  involved  in  the
                        aving received the May Newsletter
                                                                  design,  development  and  manufacture  of
                        from  Irgun  Bogrei  Habonim,  I
                        simply  could  not  resist  the
                                                                  components, fibre-optics and laser systems.
               temptation of replying to Coral and Barry to       specialised  infra-red  transmitting  optical
               indicate that I had found it quite moving and      The  culmination  was  in  my  becoming  the
               nostalgic.  I  was  a  member  of  the  Glasgow    manager     of    a    large    department,
               Bayit in Sinclair Drive from around 1956 to        manufacturing specialised optical component
               1962. I was Gizbar and editor of GlasgIton,        systems.  However,  simultaneously,  I  had
               for a while, as well as a madrich of a group of    become a lay member and activist in a British
               Chotrim  together  with  Elaine  Cohen             Trade  Union,  the  Association  of  Scientific,
               (Coleman). The “weel kent” faces of Willie         Technical and Managerial Staff (ASTMS), a
               Kelman  and  Ralph  Golomb  at  the  Belper        white-collar  Trade  Union,  becoming  the
               Camp added to the happy memories. I was            Glasgow Branch Secretary and then elected
               there, as well.                                    to  the  Scottish  Executive.  This  was  an
                                                                  exciting  period  in  the  growth  and
               Willie  and  I  started  our  student  days  at    development of white-collar trade unionism
               Strathclyde  University,  and  he  would  often
               give me a lift on the back of his little Vespa.    in  the  UK.  So  much  so  that  in  1974,  I
               Without  doubt,  the  culmination  of  all  my     accepted  a  post  as  a  full-time  trade  union
               Habonim  experiences  was  the  1961  Israel       official  with  ASTMS,  based  in  Glasgow.
               Camp with some very memorable characters           Obviously,  this  was  a  complete  but
               and adventures. I still have, to this day, my      nevertheless welcome, radical career change.
               treasured  Dudaim  album  with  all  the           Whereas I had enjoyed working in industry, I
               signatures of the participating chaverim.          had become somewhat disillusioned with the
                                                                  uses of my labour. Why help to build very
               There can be little doubt that Habonim would       sophisticated  optronics  scheduled  for  the
               go  on  to  shape  my  political  and  socialist   British  Army  Chieftain  tanks,  which  were
               ideals.  It  should  be  remembered  that  this    then  suddenly  sold  to  the  Shah  of  Iran  in
               period was the height of the Cold War and the      exchange for oil? It was fairly obvious that

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