Page 20 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
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nearby municipal Heaton Park, which gave us a chance Afterwards, notices were read out with details of our
to relax with good friends. group activities, etc. The details of our daily life
All too soon, the course ended with a moving Award escapes me but no doubt we kept the children busy
Ceremony where we received our Graduation from dawn to dusk with talks on Jewish themes,
Certificates. In spite of unremitting hard work, I was enacting Biblical stories, handicraft sessions, sports
both proud and pleased to have been a student of the fixtures and nature trails; you name it – we did it! I
Habonim Institute. It was a brilliant course and no mustn’t forget to include the essential learning of
doubt comparable to University standards. Israeli songs and the ones that caught on and became
As newly trained Leaders, we dispersed to take part in our special theme song especially after Friday night
the annual Habonim Summer Camps. David had dinner. But I don’t think I could ever forget that on
organised a month long residential seminar at Hurst my twenty-first birthday when everyone was seated in
Grange in Twyford, near Reading and I fetched up at a the marquee for lunch, they all sang ‘Happy Birthday’
remote campsite in Wales. Perhaps it’s just as well to me, ending in a rousing cheer! I received a rather
that I have only hazy memories of collecting a large special parcel – an English/Hebrew dictionary – a
group of noisy over excited 9-10 year olds at a London cherished birthday gift from David and which I still
train station and pushing them, willy-nilly into our have. How he had remembered to buy it and bothered
allotted carriages. What I do vividly recall is swinging to find the postal address of the camp I’ll never know
the heavy door closed and trapping my thumb in it. I because I don’t think I asked. But I did reply thanking
remembered – in time – that Leaders can’t let rip with him and using one of his scholarly phrases, one
shouts of agony; they must grin and bear it! certainly never used in everyday language: “Behold,
Life under canvas in Wales was an entirely different here I am under the great canopy of the skies” which
ball game from our small weekend camps in was a very flowery expression for: “Here I am in the
Derbyshire. I learned a great respect for our open air.” We kept in regular touch by letter after that.
maintenance staff who had arrived a week earlier to One of the hallmarks of Habonim Leaders is the
erect a marquee, dug trenches for the latrines and burden of responsibility thrust upon young shoulders –
provided washing and cooking facilities. In addition, and you can say that again! It was a completely new
there was a medical tent, which was manned by a experience for me. I had to learn fast to get to know
medical student with a Habonim background. I was my group, the show-offs and the shy ones, those who
very pleased to be able to contribute my “barbering needed a gentle but firm control and those who
skills” with a short-back-and-sides for a very “shaggy” benefited from encouragement. Within a few days
member of staff! He was impressed to say the least. those children came to me with their ‘everything,’ not
just bumps, bruises, wasp stings, constipation and
diarrhoea, which thankfully were dealt with by our
medic, but home truths, a bullying sibling, quarrelling
parents and home sickness. I did my best and came to
wonder if I had the makings of a trainee
psychoanalyst! But from learning through observation
and perception I became a young adult during that
The return journey was fraught. The only transport
available to take us to the local train station was in the
back of a hay cart. I spent the entire journey to
Every morning began with our Mifkad, ceremony
when, dressed in our blue Habonim shirts, we all stood London picking off bits of hay and other items of
to attention for the raising of the Israeli flag. farmyard detritus from the worse cases! (I couldn’t
deal with the smell!) In spite of my tireless efforts, I
deposited a bunch of dishevelled but wildly
enthusiastic kids into the arms of their welcoming
I arrived home tired out but with enough time to
recover before travelling to Liverpool for Fay and