Page 23 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 23

It wasn’t a case of ‘Do you remember?’ – You            Museum will also all have happened by the time
        didn’t even need to ask.                                you read this.

        Everybody immediately knew the faces that               Also, the second Kenwood Picnic was planned for
        hadn’t been seen in many cases for over 40 years        June, while the Sandys Row lunch is going to
        – and just carried on talking as if we’d met            become an annual event.
        yesterday. The banter, the ribaldry and the same        It will be a weekend ‘camp’ next if we’re not
        football team rivalries were all still there – even if   careful!
        woefully anachronistic and misled – and sorely
        missed in the intervening years.                        We are no longer, of course, students. Eminence
                                                                and achievement in a wide range of fields
        Romances were even admitted, and unlikely               emanates from many of those who come along –
        relationships about which you hadn’t had the            and is, as you would expect, totally ignored and
        faintest idea were openly though somewhat               unacknowledged!
        guardedly discussed. (I still can’t quite believe
        some of them!)                                          Where will it lead? Nobody knows and frankly I
                                                                don’t think anybody cares or even thinks about it.
        When Stan Tannen came over to London shortly
        afterwards, it was the perfect excuse for a             It’s gentle and it works. Indeed, the number of
        ’Reunion Reunion’ at Kenwood – and numbers              events and people who come along are growing,
        were further enhanced by many who either hadn’t         and I often sense the sparkle in people’s eyes of
        been able to get over to Mevo Chama or had heard        just why, all those years ago, we weren’t prepared
        just how fantastic it was.                              to accept the apparent norm.

        Stan, much loved by everybody, was very                 We still hear crazy ideas – although I doubt
        frustrated during the original reunion as his           whether the eminent doctor who suggested that we
        meticulously planned cricket match was hit by the       should re-enact the accident when I ‘fell off’
        bad weather – and yet the only reaction he got          Mount Tamaro in Switzerland during Hagoshrim
        then was, ‘shame, but it gave us all more time to       in 1969 was entirely serious. Mind you, as a
        talk’.                                                  result, my wife and I are going to spend a ‘50
                                                                years on’ weekend in Lugano. She has a lot to put
        And from that and a discussion with Neal, the           up with.
        germ of an idea was born: ‘Kenwood Ken’ – a
        simple, social vehicle for those who might want to      Full of love and affection, with little open or
        meet up occasionally and walk, talk or whatever.        needed reference to the past, our existence is a
                                                                constant reminder of the chevra we were all
        Indeed, our latest event, a visit to (and lunch at)     fortunate enough to make, experience and now
        Sandys Row Shul, where ‘El Presidente’, Harvey          perhaps understand. But only a little.
        Rifkind, gave a super spiel, was perfectly summed
        up on Facebook by Richard Hyman:                        Finally, by popular demand, two dates for your
                                                                2020 diary:
        ‘It really was great fun… a little surreal… some
        of the great Habo traditions intact… people             Third Seder: Sunday, April 19
        talking during Harvey’s presentation, not keeping       Ideas, volunteers and inspiration welcome for this
        together on the walking tour, turning left when         already much anticipated event at Sandys Row
        they should have turned right (surely some              Shul.
        political symbolism there??). We all loved it!!         Summer Picnic: Sunday, June 28    th

        An Indian meal, a stroll along Regents Canal and,       ‘Bring Your Own’ food, drink, blankets and
        possibly, a visit to the National Holocaust             sunhats to Kenwood. Grandchildren and frisbees
                                                                also welcome!

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