Page 19 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 19

David’s friends and colleagues were roped in to help in   alfresco cooking, and the countless attempts to light a
        their own specialities.  David’s close friend, Gerry    fire, often resulted in burnt porridge!
        Kochane was a good all-rounder and maintained
        contact with the local Habonim groups.  Ralph
        Degroot gave a course on Social Economics, and I can
        only remember the Law of Diminishing Returns.
        David Best, who later became a much sought after
        architect in Israel, was in charge of the handicrafts
        class, alas not my forte and in spite of Trojan efforts, I
        remained a hopeless case.
        We were truly blessed when Chaim Rabin – a visiting
        scholar from Oxford University – gave a series of
        lectures on Israel.  He was so erudite and yet so
        modest, and we listened spellbound to his brilliant
        talks delivered flawlessly without any notes!           In the meantime, I couldn’t shelve a nagging feeling
        David was also a gifted teacher and we fully            about my boyfriend, Sam.  His regular newsy letters
        appreciated the way he skilfully guided us through the   from Israel had become fewer and further between.  I
        hoops and hurdles of Hebrew grammar.  He gave us        think I must have suspected the worst and wasn’t
        clear explanations of the vagaries of passive verbs –   completely surprised when he wrote to say that he’d
        never an easy subject in any language – and             got a new girlfriend.  I was jilted; a new and
        particularly difficult in Hebrew.  Who could forget the   unpleasant experience.  I confessed all to my lovely
        time when he announced with a smile: “And now for       Grandma when I went home one weekend.  Without a
        all the exceptions to the rule!”  It was his patience and   moment’s hesitation she announced “It’s beshert” she
        his encouragement, combined with his wit and            said.  Beshert is a Yiddish word that means fated, or
        unquenchable sense of humour that saved us.             meant to happen; not at all comforting to hear.  I was
        Dr Sandler, a well-known expert on sex education,       indignant at the time.  Sam was a nice good-looking
        gave us a revelatory illustrated talk on sex education.    Jewish boy and I happened to mention that Sam’s
        The Habonim bush telegraph system must have gone        family were Litvaks – from Lithuania (Latvia).
        into overdrive when our seminar room was packed         Grandma didn’t take well to this information because,
        with ‘outsiders’ equally keen to learn the ‘facts of    completely unknown to me, Polish Jews hated the
        life!’  Our attention was not so much riveted on the    Litvaks, so in her view it was ‘good riddance’ to Sam.
        speaker, but on the poster-sized graphic diagrams,      I don’t think my ‘broken hearted’ condition lasted very
        which Dr Sandler had pinned up on the wall.  It left us   long – to be honest, it had little chance because, like all
        mind bogglingly speechless!                             the other girls on the course, we were in thrall to
        But it wasn’t all noses to the grindstone – far from it.    David!
        On one special occasion, we were invited to a musical   At 28 years of age, David was regarded as possibly the
        evening hosted by the hospitable Bernstein family.      oldest bachelor in Habonim.  Needless to say, we girls
        Mrs Bernstein, a fine pianist and a graduate of the     were all smitten and enjoyed endless discussions about
        Royal Academy of Music, entertained us with a           his future partner.  We decided, altruistically, that she
        splendid and varied piano recital and afterwards        would be a tall, dark, beautiful girl with a fine
        accepted a number of our musical requests with great    academic mind to match his own.  (How wrong we
        aplomb.  We were then treated to a delicious            were!)  It is hard to pinpoint the time when David and
        homemade buffet supper, greatly appreciated by a        I developed an ‘understanding’ – a platonic one of
        band of hungry students.                                course.  Living under the same roof was a good
        An important part of our part of our training was       beginning, since we were already on friendly terms
        weekend camping in the beautiful Derbyshire hills.      with each other and with everyone else.  It may have
        There was no shortage of rain in that region and we     started innocently enough when I volunteered to sew
        developed a whole raft of new skills: dealing with      on a shirt button for him.  My sewing skills were, and
        sagging guy ropes, leaking tents, and more              remain, pretty basic but David was most grateful.
        importantly, keeping our ground sheets dry.  We took    Then we joined a group, rowing on the lake at the
        it in turns to prepare our meals where the delights of
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