Page 17 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 17
O farm. At the end of the hard day's work, I returned
h no, it's not what you think I mean. I
at 4:00 in the afternoon back to the Hachshara
meant that we were so full of shi - tuf
and shi-vayon. These were amongst the
lofty ideals, which the movement educated us to farm, only to fulfil the tasks and the toranuyot
awaiting us. Every evening, after supper we
believe in, and we behaved accordingly. I recall in would all congregate in the general communal
my movement career experiences, which illustrate room in order to discuss kibbutz ideology and
the fulfilment of these ideals, and just how clarify our pioneering future in Israel.
idealistic we were, in spite of the traumas they An example of the attitudes that crystalized, as a
result of our lifestyle, was that my parents, who
Hachshara was the ideal outcome of a movement were about to celebrate their silver wedding at
"educational success", where the ideal chaver was home, 40 miles away in London, expected me to
one who completed his movement education at the join them at the celebration together with the rest
age of 18 or 19 on the movement Hachshara of the family. However, according to the accepted
training farm. There, he or she lived in a strictly norms on hachshara, I had to get permission from
communal framework, according to the socialist the asephah (general meeting) by a majority vote,
ideal of: "from each according to his ability to to travel to London for the occasion. The decision
each according to his needs", in order to prepare of the general meeting was against my going to
him for living in a kibbutz, which was the my parents silver wedding celebration, on the
realization of movement aspirations, namely - no grounds that “when Bert (as I was known then) is
private property and no independent behaviour. in the kibbutz in Aretz, he won’t be able to come
All his or her needs (if they were recognized) to London to attend family occasions, so he
were supplied by the chevrah. should get used to it now.”
The Hachshara farm that I attended was near We tend to be cynical about the reality of 50 or 60
Reading, some 40 miles from London. It was years ago, when we view our historical movement
composed of 28 members who lived together in a values through the prism of today's reality. We
strict communal framework according to radical cannot fail to be amused. In fact, those values
socialist values. The idea was to prepare members were indeed very serious, and the achievements of
for living on a kibbutz in Israel. As such, it was the movement prove this. It is enough to assess
more kibbutz than kibbutz itself, whereby physical the extent of the crusade of chalutzim, who
labour ranked very high on the list of values, and graduated from Habonim, established kibbutzim
public opinion, which was often cruel, influenced and strengthened others in the Galilee, and in so
behaviour. doing, contributed to it being a more green and
pleasant land. If this is what movement values
Every day at 5:00 in the morning, in all weather, I
rode on my bicycle some 5 miles on narrow and ideals brought about and cause us to smile
country roads, to work in the fields at an outside today, so be it. Amen.