Page 5 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - February 14
P. 5
B Zionism. The Sabra was a contradiction of the
ack in the early nineteen fifties, while I
Diaspora Jew. He symbolized an ancient Hebrew
was on the Machon Lemadrichei Chutz
LaAretz in Jerusalem, I had occasion to
Ghetto mentality, a new healthy and normal
attend a function of our Israeli sister movement superman and was the Zionist answer to the
at the time, HaTnuah Hameuchedet, together human being. Little wonder that during the
with the other members of our group from Holocaust they could not accept nor understand
British Habonim. We were labelled by our that the Jews in the Ghetto allowed themselves
hosts, Israeli-born Sabras, as” Goleitzim” and to be led to their slaughter like cattle. The Sabra
they turned their noses up at us. Our broken became a myth created by Zionism, particularly
Hebrew mingled with English revealed to them the socialist stream. He considered himself more
that we were Jews from the Golah. This was of a Hebrew, connected to the ancient land,
considered to be the most inferior status and we rather than a Jew, a concept which evolved
were unaware of its implications. during the two thousand years of exile, a period
Soon after my aliya to Israel, more than 50 years he preferred to skip over. His identity linked
ago, I was asked to be interviewed by a him directly to the Tanach, identifying with its
correspondent of a well- known British heroes and associating them with the familiar
newspaper, who was visiting Kfar Hanassi at the places mentioned in the Bible, places that he
time. My youthful enthusiasm caused me to knew and that were now within easy reach. The
reply to him in the affirmative and I was ready Sabra was considered good and the image of the
for action. “Why did you come to live in Golah Jew was considered bad for the cause. In
Israel?” he asked and I naively exposed him to a this context, Yiddish, “the language of the
long discourse on Zionism and what it was all Ghetto” was frowned upon.
about. All the stuff in which we were The Movement adopted the Sabra image as part
indoctrinated in the Movement came out in the of the chalutz archetype which it projected. The
interview, which lasted for about an hour, with image became more apparent as visits to Israel
me doing most of the talking. A week later I in the framework of year and summer schemes
received the newspaper with the article on Kfar became abundant, whereby chanichim were
Hanassi and I located my contribution, which exposed to the Sabra culture, which they saw as
was presented in the most modest terms – one a model of Movement aspiration. It was
line stating that “Aryeh Wolfin came to Israel in strengthened by the arrival of the annual
order to be normal and uninhibited”. It took me delegation of Sabra madrichim from our sister
some time to realize the implications of singling Movement, HaTnuah HaMeuchedet, who came
out this one quote from my hour-long interview. to inject some Israeli Sabra culture into
On reflection, there is a connection between the Movement summer camps. Little wonder that
two events, the Zionist DNA which produced the appearance of chaverim at movement
the mythical Sabra, who created the Yishuv in functions adorned in kafiyas and Palmach-style
Eretz Yisrael prior to the creation of the State battledress jackets, wearing khaki woollen two-
and then the Chalutz, the Palmach and the pointed caps, became a commonplace
Hagana, to name just a few of the symbols of phenomenon.