Page 10 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - February 14
P. 10
M for the participants but also for the Tzevet of
aking Aliyah straight from being on
madrichim running it for, in this case, the
the Movement Work Tzevet in
Habonim UK leads to many
questions and challenges, but also opportunities. Northern Hemisphere (UK and North America).
We had Yom Tzevet once a week and together
Being part of the movement in England meant I with our co-madrichim from Hanoar Haoved
had a forum to discuss what I really wanted to V’Halomed, covered topics that were relevant to
do with my life (a question that I'm actually still what we wanted the participants to explore and
asking myself) rather than that which was challenge and think about Israeli society and
dictated to me by the community in which I dilemmas that arise from, I suppose, being left
grew up. My Movement background meant that wing in Israel today.
I had people who knew me from my time on
Shnat, and were able to guide and mentor me on Even if my next steps in Israel may not be within
my future path. This meant having to admit the movement, due to the fact that the movement
things about myself that no one else makes you is now town-based and logistically difficult for
think about and maybe accept challenges of me as I have chosen to live in the centre of Tel
slightly controversial life decisions. Aviv, I know that Habo has made me who I am
today: a person who is not afraid of being
As well as the reassurance of having family in challenged and standing up for what she believes
Israel (Yigal and Linda Levine) I also knew I in, whilst wanting to work to benefit Israeli
had my Movement family looking out for me society. At present I am working throughout Tel
and I know I always will, despite whatever Aviv from Ramat Aviv to the neighbourhoods in
decisions I make in the future. Yafo, teaching English after-school in an
informal educational structure and, although it
After completing Ulpan on Ma’agan Michael I doesn't have the Habonim label on it, I know for
became the madricha for the Shnat Hachsharah sure that this is where it has come from and a
program for the UK. Eleven chanichim came label by which I am still inspired.
and although that sounds a small number, it was
quite an achievement after battling through the * Former Mazkira of Habonim Dror UK
increase of University fees and a declining youth (2010-2011), made Aliyah in January 2012
movement culture. Thanks to Habonim Dror
Olami, Shnat is not just an educational program
Georgie, then...
... and now