Page 4 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - February 14
P. 4

scare tactic that encourages progress toward that       two states existing side-by-side in peace. In point
        end.                                                    of fact there already is one state, as Israel is in
                                                                complete control of the entire territory. All that is
        Sadly, though, it is unlikely that even the fear of a   required is legislation to give the Palestinians full
        single state will do the trick. So maybe, instead of    citizenship and equal rights with their Israeli
        making these enormous efforts to prove that the         neighbours. This would certainly be complicated,
        one-state solution is impossible, we should             but actually simpler than establishing two separate
        continue to develop it as an option for the morning     states.
        after the almost inevitable failure of the current
        negotiations.                                           To most people a single Israeli-Palestinian state
                                                                certainly appears as a remote and unrealistic
        Constructive optimism is unfashionable in these         dream, but it is no more remote and unrealistic
        cynical times, but it is not a crime. A single          than was the prospect of a Jewish state when
        Israeli-Palestinian entity is at least as possible as
                                                                modern political Zionism was conceived.

                              Books by Danny Gavron

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