Page 3 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - February 14
P. 3




        D                                                       states. True, it would be less satisfactory for the
                 uring most of history, human beings
                                                                Palestinians, but a great deal better than what they
                 have existed without federations and
                 confederations. For that matter, how
                                                                near future.
        long has the nation-state been around? And we           have at present or can realistically expect in the
        haven’t even mentioned democracy. A little
        ingenuity should enable us to come up with a new        There is just one problem: it isn’t going to happen.
        version of sovereignty that would enable Jews and       It isn’t going to happen because there is no
        Arabs — and Druze, Circassians, Christians,             conceivable Israeli government that will accept
        Samaritans and others — to live side by side in         it—let alone implement it—and no conceivable
        peace and harmony in the small territory between        Palestinian leadership could possibly accept less.
        the Mediterranean and the River Jordan.                 One can only admire the patience and tenacity of

        Before we get to that though, it should be noted        U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry but, unless he
        that a two-state solution is a perfectly reasonable     is backed by an administration and congress ready
        possibility—and it wouldn’t need nine months of         to exert the necessary pressure on Israel, he cannot
        negotiations: nine hours should be more than            succeed. Can anyone honestly predict that, even if
        enough. The outline is available from the               President Barack Obama or his successor were
        multitude of documents and protocols that already       prepared to exert such pressure, he or she would
        exist. It will involve an amended version of the        have the requisite backing of the Senate and the
        1967 borders, according to the “Clinton                 House of Representatives?
        parameters,” with “settlement blocks” and “land         So, bearing in mind that the two-state solution is
        swaps” to leave a majority of the Jewish West           not going to come about, why is there this
        Bank settlers in Israel, Jerusalem would be a           compulsion to rubbish a one-state solution? The
        “shared capital,” with an “international”               dedicated two-state advocates propose Israel and
        administration for the Temple Mount/Noble               Palestine living side-by-side, cooperating on
        Sanctuary. Up to 100,000 Palestinian refugees           security, the environment, water, tourism, finance,
        would return to the Palestinian state; a “symbolic”     economics, and labour. The more daring among
        number would return to Israel; the remainder            them even talk about federation or confederation,
        would be compensated and re-settled.                    possibly including the Kingdom of Jordan.

        The above outline is admittedly complicated to          Is their model really so different from one state
        implement on the ground, but it is a solution with      with religious, cultural, and educational autonomy
        which all the parties could live. It is fair—or at      for its various communities?
        least not too unfair—logical, pragmatic, and
        sensible. It would be a marvellous outcome for          Many two-state advocates are afraid that the idea
        Israel, consolidating its position in the region,       of a single state will weaken the resolve to
        based on eventual agreements with all the Arab          establish two states. In fact there are strong
        states and acceptance by the non-Arab Muslim            indications that putting it on the table serves as a

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