Page 2 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - February 14
P. 2
From the Editor Contents
Readers, one and all, please indulge me and From the Editor ............................................... 2
accept my apologies for the belated arrival of the
current issue of Kol Bogrei Habonim. I am sure One State -
A Credible Alternative/Daniel Gavron .................. 3
that the pleasure gained from the eclectic selection
of articles and illustrations will more than To be a Jew and an Israeli in
compensate for any disappointment at the delay. the 21 Century/Aryeh Wolfin ............................. 5
The eagle-eyed among you will note that a Habonim and Medicine/Gerry Hass ................... 7
number of the articles could be deemed as
controversial. The views expressed in the various Taking That Step/Georgie Davis ....................... 10
articles are exclusively those of the respective
writers and do not necessarily represent the views Scots Wha Hae/Yigal Levine ............................ 11
of the Editorial Committee. So, feel free to go out Yad Tabenkin Reunion 2013... ................ 12-13
on a limb. Items are judged and accepted subject
to the source of the material and relevance to History Lesson:
Irgun Bogrei Habonim. Please bombard us with Norman de Mattos Bentwich/Nick Reynold ....... 14
articles and letters, thus ensuring a healthy future Garin Gimmel Reunion/Devorah Beth ............... 18
for KBH.
Chairman’s Report/Aryeh Wolfin....................... 19
This year Habonim UK will be celebrating its
85 anniversary (see p.19). To mark the event, Dear Editor .................................................... 21
KBH will be coming out with a bumper souvenir
edition. Let’s give nostalgia a good name with Poetry Corner I/Judith Yalon Fortus .................... 22
printable memorabilia to fit the occasion. So, start Poetry Corner II/Judy Foner ............................. 23
digging now and submit your material to Linda,
Gerry and myself as soon as possible.
A big thank you to all the contributors and warm
greetings to you all.
Harold Hirsch
Editorial Committee
Harold Hirsch Gerry Kelman Linda S. Levine
POB 7255 12 Nurit St. 8/1Alexander Penn
Or Akiva 3060000 Gedera 7048712 Tel Aviv 6964110
Tel: 04-6260433 08-8597202 03-6441318