Page 34 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 34

               PERSPECTIVE                                        Leeds Ken from that time is probably easiest
                                                                  to  define  by  what  it  was  not.  London  was
               JASON FEDDY                                        another  country.  We  weren’t  Manchester:
                                                                  next  door  but  so  very  far  away,  with  its
               “Oh Leeds Habonim, lovely Leeds Habonim            enormous stone castle of a moadon, its bayit

               We are the best of all the kinim.                  and  seemingly  endless  and  super-confident
                                                                  population - like us but not like us - a vast
               We’ve come today and we’re going to win.
                                                                  side  of  the  family  to  be  looked  up  to  and
               Leeds Habonim, lovely Leeds Habonim.”              envied. Then again, we weren’t Birmingham.
               R                                                           Birmingham?  Who  even  knew
                        eally rubbish, but it has
                                                                           there  were  Jews  in  Birmingham?
                        stuck in my memory. I
                                                                           The  Addams  Family  of  The
                        don’t know who wrote
               it, and I’m sure no one believed                            Movement. I bet they couldn’t wait
               it,  but  there  it  is.  Leeds                             to get to Leeds Uni and assimilate.
               Habonim’s  old  theme  song                                 Right  now,  I’m 55  years  old  with
               from the 70’s. When would we                                the memory of a tea strainer, so I’m
               sing it? What would we “win”?                               going to get a lot of this wrong and
               Presumably, it was created for                              (I’m sure) a lot of flak for doing so,
               some  sort  of  inter-ken  Uxle-                            but my goal here is to be engaging
               Voogle  and  kept  for  less                       and give a taste of Leeds Habonim from the
               appropriate inter-ken events.                      perspective of one chanich from the 70’s and

                                                                  early 80’s who later went on to do a lot of
                                                                  drugs. We clear? I’m apologizing in advance.

                                                                  So, the Moadon itself was a damp and flimsy

                                                                  rectangular  plasterboard  and  wood  affair
                                                                  situated in the northernmost reach of the city,

                                                                  on a muddy path in a mossy copse of trees
                                                                  next  to  the  Harrogate  Road,  behind  the

                                                                  beautiful Church of St. John the Evangelist
                   “Oh Leeds Habonim, lovely Leeds Habonim        which was built in 1853. With its dreaming
                        We are the best of all the kinim.         spire,  apple  tree  lined  vicarage  (excellent
                    We’ve come today and we’re going to win.
                    Leeds Habonim, lovely Leeds Habonim.”
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