Page 30 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
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bonded group, the “Chevrat Noar”, and being
a step up in the hierarchy of the movement
was empowering. It was a great time for me.
One of the highlights of the year was our trip
to Switzerland to the International Jewish
Youth Conference. For many of us it was our
first flight abroad. We stayed in a hotel in the
Alps. It was my first hotel experience, and I
will never forget seeing a down duvet for the
first time and wondering how anything so
1964. Being silly on Noar. From Left, Carol (Barber)
Zelas, Yehudit (Clynes) Vinegrad, Maxine (Spungin) light and cloudlike could keep me so
Toshner, Shelly (Shieldhouse) Yavetz wonderfully warm at night. It was amazing
very much, especially as my previous seeing Jewish youth from all over the world
boyfriend had left for Machon, and had and I remember being particularly impressed
written to say that the relationship was over, by the Israeli dancing presented by the
but I didn’t find anyone that I really loved, Moroccan contingent. According to Stan
and I perhaps hurt a couple of hearts while Tannen, the boys stayed in a different hotel,
trying to achieve my unrequited goal. even more special. If they left their shoes by
the door at night, they would be ready
Living on a farm and being a teenager makes
one hungry. At teatime, in the afternoon, after cleaned for them in the morning. Stan says
work and studies we would stuff ourselves that he took all the boys’ shoes and lined
with slices of Jam and Toast that we prepared them up by the door at night.
in the Bet Noar. We were taken to a ski lift and I had no idea
that it would be taking us so high up in the
At some stage, we were told that we were all
going to learn how to make ceramic pots at mountains. Gill and I sat together, held hands
an activity centre in Horsham. Some of us and closed our eyes with fright when we
were driven there in the farm jeep by Mike hovered in the heights. The minute we got up
Landes. The rest of us were expected to walk there, instead of going to enjoy skiing, we
down the infamous Ashurst Lane to catch a waited in line to go down so we could be free
bus to Horsham. We had a lot of fun walking of the terror of the ski lift as soon as possible.
together in a group, travelling together on the At some time towards the end of the year a
top deck of the bus and making “potties” Garin Zayin meeting was held on the Chava,
together in Horsham. which involved a large group of awe-
inspiring young men and women, many of
Another special time for us was Habonim
Winter Activities. Up to that year, whenever them university students. We meekly joined
I went to a winter or summer camp, I went in and became officially part of the Garin,
alone because there was nobody my age in though many of our group went separate
Leeds Habonim, who took part in national ways afterwards. There was a discussion
activities. Taking part in a national camp in a