Page 31 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 31

about the name of the  Garin, and if it was                                house with Noreen
               possible to change it because of the innuendo                              Levinson,      who
               connected  to  the  word  Zayin.  Somebody                                 was     also    my
               stood up and said how would be it for them                                 kibbutz “parent”. I
               in the army if an officer said “Garin Zayin,                               loved  being  with
               amod dom!” Everybody burst out laughing,                                   the  babies.  This
               but  I  was  so  terribly  innocent  that  I  didn’t                       was  something  I
               understand what they were talking about.                                   could  see  myself
                                                                                          doing in the future.

                                                                                          On  returning  to

                                                                  1965 Israel Camp.       Leeds, I discovered
                                                               Working with the babies    there  was  a  new

                                                                      at Amiad            tall,  good-looking,
                                                                                          bearded      young

                                                                  man who was doing Movement work in Dror.
                                                                  He  had  been  on  Machon  with  George

                                                                  Levine. The chubby schoolboy that I had met
                                                                  at  Hebrew  classes  at  the  age  of  14  had

              1964 - Pegishat Garin at the Chava. From Left       metamorphosed into a very attractive young

              Alec Collins – shaliach – Rosalie Barber, Niki      man, called Menachem Vinegrad. That was
                 (Lewis) Yomtov, ? , Mike Lewis, Dave Hyams       the  beginning  of  the  merger  of  Dror  and
               We were so happy and carefree and felt so
               protected  by  the  Movement  that  we             A  few  months  later,  I  was  back  on
               automatically  assumed  that  the  next  step      Hachshara, writing to Menachem every day,
               would  be  all  of  us  going  to  the  Machon     and still intending to go on Aliya to Amiad
               (Youth  Leadership  Institute)  in  Jerusalem.     with Garin Zayin. I was asked to work with
               We were very disappointed to find out that         Hugh  Reisman  in  the  new  seminar  centre
               we  were  not  going  to  be  sent.  Instead,  we   that had been built on the Eder Farm. I was
               would take part in the six-week Israel Camp        on Hachshara for a few wonderful months,
               with  the  rest  of  the  Habonim  kids,  but  we   and  then  I  returned  to  Leeds  to  marry  my
               would be allowed an extra 6 weeks working          beloved, both of us aged 19.
               at Amiad, when the others went back home.          The shlichim from Habonim and Dror each
               My  first  experience  of  work  at  Amiad  on     tried  to  pull  us  in  their  own  particular
               Israel Camp was another shock for me. I was        direction,  but  finally  we  decided  to  go  to
               expected to pick fruit in the August heat. For     Kibbutz Machanayim to be the pioneers of
               the first time I asked myself, is this the life I   the  Dror  contingent,  instead  of  following
               really want for myself? How will I be able to      Garin Zayin to Amiad.
               function outside in heat like this? But after      We  lived  on  Machanayim  for  20  years,
               Israel Camp, I was put to work in the baby
                                                                  during which we lived in the US for two years
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