Page 29 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 29

wife,  Inga  (RIP)  and  two  children  in  the    hold of a copy, but we did. I remember how
               Bayit,  which  was  a  large  rambling             we would lie on the floor in the main room at
               farmhouse.  The  Bet  Noar,  where  we  lived,     night,  turn  the  lights  out  and  listen  to  the
               was  a  17 -century  two-story  building  with     record, non-stop, until we knew all the words,
               low  doorways.  I  don’t  know  how  George,       and could even write sketches using the tunes
               our madrich got in and out every day!              with our own variations of the lyrics.

               Can  you  imagine  the  excitement?  10            My first experience of work on the farm was
               teenagers  aged  16-18,  5  boys  and  5  girls    far removed from my utopian ideal of being
               living together in the ancient little house. We    a  proletarian  farm  labourer.  7  a.m.  on  a
               were a mixed bunch. Stan and Carol from            freezing  and  dark  October  morning,  well
               London,  Mike  from  Glasgow,  another             before breakfast, I was sent to clean the parts
               George,  David  and  I  from  Leeds,  Zack         of a huge, ice-cold metal, farm machine, by
               from  Manchester,  Gill  and  Maxine  from         hand.  I  didn’t  have  any  gloves  and  I  had
               Nottingham and Shelley from Liverpool.             typist’s  delicate  fingers.  The  farm  manager
                                                                  came by and I said “Mr Stewart, I can’t do
               We  worked  in  the
               morning  and  studied  in                          this”. “No such thing as can’t,” he said.
               the     afternoon.     I                           Fortunately  for  me,  the  second  term  was
               absolutely  adored  the                            spent  in  the  laundry  (boring,  but  easier  for
               studies. I wanted to learn                         me), and the third term I was in charge of the
               everything I could about                           garden of the Bet Noar. By then, it was early
               Israel,  society,  Jewish                          summer.  I  remember  how  we  opened  the
               history  and,  of  course,                         windows of the Bet Noar, and Gill would put
               Hebrew.  My  special          Frank Beth           on records while she cleaned the place, and I
               favourite  was  Aims  and                          would dance about in the garden to Yemenite
               Ideals  of  the  Movement  taught  by  Frank       songs sung by Shoshana Damari.
               Beth,  (RIP),  a  shaliach  from  Amiad,  who      We ate all our meals in the main Bayit with
               came down from London to teach us once a           the  Hachshara  group.  There  was  always
               week.  The  lessons  were  interactive  and  I     something going on, lots of fun and jokes and
               learnt so much from the analytic way that he       singing of Israeli songs and folk songs. Some
               taught  us.  I  used  the  same  method  of        people  had  musical  instruments.  On  Friday
               presentation many times in my life, both as a      nights, we would dress in our best clothes and
               teacher and also for building strategies as a      enjoy  a  Shabbat  meal  and  cultural
               festival producer.
                                                                  programme for all of us in the Bayit. We, girls
                                       In that same month,        on  the  Hachsharat  Noar,  would  share  our
                                       October  1964,  Bob        clothes, and we would take it in turns to wear
                                       Dylan  released  The       favourite shirts and sweaters for the occasion.
                                       Times  they  are  a        Some of the Noar girls had boyfriends in the
                                       Changing. I have no        Hachshara  group.  I  was  envious.  The
                                       idea  how  we  got
                                                                  concept of having a boyfriend appealed to me
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