Page 36 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 36

Brits.  We  knew  each  other.  Our  eyes  met     I  begged  for  a  guitar.  My  mum  couldn’t
               briefly on Sunday afternoons and Wednesday         afford ketchup, so I turned to my dad, who I
               evenings  in  acknowledgment  before  we           think  was  shacked  up  with  some  bird  (his
               raised  our  heads  and  became  Habonimniks       words) in the south of England at the time and
               for a few hours. If that wasn’t you, you can’t     who agreed to  buy me  an axe for my 10th
               imagine the relief. It was a drug.                 birthday. When it arrived, it was a kid sized
                                                                  classical with plastic strings. I didn’t care. I
               All this I remember, but the thing that had the
               most  profound  effect  on  my  life  was  the     didn’t know the difference. I think my mum
               music.    There   were    acoustic   guitars       called  Adam  Malin  and  set  up  a  lesson,
               everywhere.  The  1960’s  weren’t  even  a         which I will never forget. A minor. E major.
               memory for me, born in ’66, but somehow,           D  minor.  The  beginning  of  Dona  Dona.  I
               this movement’s music library had stopped          couldn’t believe it. I played the chords till my
               taking on new material in about 1973. This         fingers  bled  and  I  cried.  My  mum  called
               was  the  greatest  stroke  of  luck  of  all.  We   Adam. He said to be patient. I have learned
               learned  Pete  Seeger  and  Woody  Guthrie,        hundreds of chords since then and made up a
               Dylan,  Julie  Felix,  CSNY  and  Beatles          bunch  of  my  own,  but  I’ve  never  learned
               songs…  tons  and  tons  of  Beatles  songs.  I    patience… It’s on my bucket list.
               forget who the main player was, but I recall
               taller people than me holding up giant rolls of
               paper with lyrics, week after week, singing
               and  playing  with  eyes  closed  in  ecstasy.
               Outside  the  plasterboard  walls  Punk  Rock,
               Disco and overblown Prog were fighting for
               the airwaves, but in our musky haven it was
               the spirit of Newport forever.

               We  sang  songs  in  Hebrew  too.  From  the
               Biblical  and  sublime  (Oseh  Shalom,  Hineh
               Ma  Tov)  through  the  then  current  Israeli
               folk/rock  of  Shalom  Chanoch  and  Arik
               Einstein  to  the  nonsensical  and  hilarious               “I played the chords till my
                                                                              fingers bled and I cried”
               (Hoy  Vanyati  Vanya,  Ani  Ata  VeHu  -  Ve       If  Adam  was  a  great  teacher,  and  I’m
               Johnny  Kangaroo).  I  relished  them  all         inclined  to  believe  he  was,  he  was  a  lousy
               without  prejudice  and  without  hearing  the     businessman.  A  couple  of  lessons  in,  he
               original recordings. I hadn’t really tried it for   suggested  I  get  a  copy  of  a  book,  “The
               lack  of  confidence,  but  at  9  years  old,  in   Beatles Complete for Guitar”. It had charts
               Amelim I had a sense that I could hold a tune.     for every Beatles song, with those little chord
               I ached to be cool and play guitar, or to be       graphs  above  the  lyrics.  If  you  could  read
               able  to  disappear  into  the  woods  and         one, you could read ‘em all.  That was me, off
               accompany myself as I sang to the trees and        to the races with my newly formed callouses
               tested my voice. To be heard.
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