Page 41 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 41

around.    My  father  wanted  us  to  be  in  a   the Madrichah, Celia was great.  During that
               Zionist  youth-movement.  He  himself  was         time only Mavis and I went to the National
               right-wing  and  a  great  supporter  of  Zev      Movement’s  Camps.  Later  Judy  Davies,
               Jabotinsky. Betar did not exist in Cardiff, and    (nee  Wolfson)  and  Angela  Hexner  also
               as we didn’t enjoy Bnei Akiva, we finished         joined in with these camps. By the time there
               up in Habonim.                                     were  16  more  of  us,  boys  and  girls
                                                                  participated in the Winter Activities, Veidot,
               My father knew the Madrichim of Habonim,
               (since  he  had  taught  them  in  Cheder)  and    etc.
               agreed to let us  go there. I should mention
               that  my  father  was  a  teacher  in  a  secular
               school, and his work in Cheder was after his
               teaching in High School all day.

               When much of the Jewish community moved
               to other parts of the city, we moved to another
               synagogue  and  were  there  from  1956.  Our
               meeting place was now in the newest and the
               richest  part  of  the  town.  It  was  called  Cyn
               Coed, where we had a basement as Tsofim,
               and Vatikim.

               At one stage in 1958, we were asked to leave
               the  synagogue,  as  we  had  two  non-Jewish                   1961 Carmarthen Veida
               members!    I  remember  Norman Berg, our                             Cardiff Ken
               Rosh  Ken  and  Madrich,  found  a  scout-hall       Front row from the left:
                                                                    Elaine (Samuels) Raphael, Judy (Wolfson)
               that was free on Sundays, and we met there            Davies, Rachelle (Samuels) Noymeir, Philippa
               for a time. We also met in Norman's house             Goodman, Jill Rapport
               and his wife Eileen was a Madrichah too, see          Back row from the left:
               below.                                               Brenda (Samuels) Landes, Jackie Levine
                                                                     (Manchester), Doreen Gordon (Z”l), Melody
               Somehow, we kept on good terms with our
               Rabbi, and at my wedding he actually praised          Christie
               Habonim.                                           When  we  reached  senior  Tsofim,  we  had

               Activities                                         weekend camps, too.  I remember that once,
                                                                  some chaverim from N.W London joined us
               As  a  Bonah,  I  remember  building  the          for a weekend camp in Wales.
               Levenah,  the  brick,  learning  the  Kriat
               Habonim,  etc.  We  learnt  songs,  went  on       Oneg Shabbat - on Friday evening, bicycle
               rambles,  and  played  tracking  in  the  fields   trips the following day and on Saturday night
               next  to  the  River  Taff.  At  Chanukah  there   "Parties". These  took  place in  other houses
               were parties, and at Pesach, a Matzah Tiyul.       where,  wait  for  it,  we  danced  and  jived.!!
                                                                  Well, it was the Rock-and-roll time. I wonder
               Mavis  and  I  went  to  Swanage  in  1951(I       if this happened in other Kinim? We also had
               think), to Bonim Summer Camp. There was            third Seders at Pesach.
               always a great atmosphere in our Gedud, and

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