Page 42 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 42

In 1958 three girls from Newport, about 20         Ivrit.  However,  from  most  of  our  Winter
               kilometers from Cardiff, joined Habonim and        Activities  I  had  lots  of  friends  all  over  the
               came every week.                                   country, (including a boyfriend or two).
                                                                  Only a few of us from Cardiff had so much
                                                                  contact  with  the  others  in  our  Movement.

                                                                  However, once there was a National Activity
                                                                  in Cardiff. I can't remember the year, but it
                                                                  was  a  "Mercaz",  and  Movement-Workers
                                                                  from all the big Kinim came to Cardiff. This

                                                                  was a big event for our little Ken. (Maybe it
                                                                  is in the Archives? [Editor’s note: it is and
                                                                  was at Carmarthen]).

                                                                  On the Shabbat morning of that meeting, my

                                                                  father  insisted  that  everyone  should  go  to
                                                                  Shul!! I believe they all did.

                  Some Cardiff Ken at the 90  Anniversary
                     Celebrations. From left – Angela
                    (Hexner) Bengur, Brenda (Wolfson)
                      Winkler, Judy (Wolfson) Davies

               I remember one crazy thing we did in 1957.
               It  was  during  the  Russian  invasion  of
               Hungary.    We  collected  money  for  the
               refugees  by  singing  Hebrew  songs  outside
               non-Jewish houses and telling the neighbours                   1962 – Summer Camp.
               that it was Hungarian!!
                                                                From the left Angela (Hexner) Bengur, Svi  (Harvey)

               Since Cardiff was a port, when Norman, our       Shapiro,  Francine  Levy,  Gerry  Frazer,  Brenda

               Madrich,  told  us  that  an  Israeli  ship  had   (Wolfson)  Winkler,  Avril  Baron,  Madrichah  Brenda
               docked with oranges, we all went to help. My     (Samuels)  Landes.  Photo  by  Madrich,  Adrian

               parents invited some of the crew to our house
               for a meal.                                        Machon
                                                                  Rachel,  my  sister  and  Judy  Wolfson,  our
               Every week, of course, there was the weekly
               meeting. We often had our Vatikim meetings         second  cousin  went  on  Machon.  Rachel
               at  Norman  and  his  wife  Eileen’s  house.       came back in 1965 and took over Cardiff Ken
               Eileen was so kind and hospitable, and very        for  a  while,  until  she  went  to  Manchester,
               much a Madrichah.                                  where she lived in the Bayit. She taught in the
                                                                  "King  David  School”  and  had  a  group  of
               National Activities                                Amelim.  When  Judy  returned,  she  ran
               As I had been almost every year to camps, in       Birmingham  Ken  while  studying  Drama.
               1958 I actually did not go to camp. Instead,       However,  after  this  Cardiff  Ken  ceased  to
               Mavis and I went to Switzerland, to Davos,         exist,  as  all  of  the  active  members  were
               for a European Summer School, for learning         scattered.

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