Page 20 - Issue 31
P. 20
The shofar and its roles
The shofar in the Bible had different uses:
A shofar of war
The shofar was used as an alarm device to
assemble the defenders or to launch an
attack like Gideon (Judges 7:22), " And they
blew the three hundred horns, and the LORD
set every man's sword a against his fellow,
even throughout all the host;" It is precisely
because of this that he is also the shofar of
Teshuvah, echoing and terrifying, as if to
proclaim, "Improve your deeds," as with the
prophet Amos (Amos 3: 6): "Shall the horn be
blown in a city, and the people not tremble?"
A Shofar of music
It is a shofar for all year round in order to
delight people with it, and with it they would
crown the king on the day of his coronation.
The shofar of the song and the melody is the
shofar of the Book of Psalms. As in psalm 47,
which is said seven times before the shofar
blowing of the Rosh Hashanah: "God rose with
a trumpet, God in the voice of the shofar. Sing
God sing: Sing to our king, sing."