Page 25 - Issue 31
P. 25

Rosh Hashanah and Yom                  did I come from, what does my
        Kippur:                                biography contain?

                                               On Passover, Sukkot and
        The Jewish holidays are                Shavuot we ask: when and
        mostly remembrance holidays,           where was I born: In Egypt as
        the individual, family and             a slave and I came out
        community are asked to                 liberated. I was present in
        remind and recreate in a               Mount Sini, I have wandered
        ceremonial fashion, a                  the desert to the promised
        significant historical event that      land, I settled down and
        occurred in our past.                  worked its land.

        The Jewish individual is called        But Rosh Hashana and Yom
        upon to ask themselves and             Kippur do not have a history,
        educate their kids to ask: where       they have no memory, no past,
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