Page 26 - Issue 31
P. 26

no narrative, no drama.                in your view? What does your
        Therefore, it is not the time,         kibbutz look like? What does
        the birth nor the identity that        your family look like? If you
        determine their content. Not           wish to create a new, better,
        what happened in the past, but         more just reality, it is up to you
        rather what is possible in the         alone. Up to your desire for
        future. The face and the heart         change, your ambition to
        are aimed to the time                  redeem yourself and your
        dimension – the future. These          society. It depends on your
        two holidays ask:  What is the         vow now, in the present, but
        direction your life is taking?         your gaze is to the future.
        How did you choose to live it?
        Do you have a dream, an                According to this, Rosh
        aspiration you wish to fulfill?        Hashanah and Yom Kippur are
        Do you have a human and                human and optimistic holidays
        social point of view? What is          and they address the individual
        the image of the Israeli society       and his / her future.
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