Page 23 - Issue 31
P. 23
myself to gain strength, independence and confidence
is something that could only have happened with
encouragement from the people around me, and for
that I am truly grateful.
The second would be the chanichim I have led on
Rishonim and Sayarim, now starting their year as
muchanim. To have watched them grow into such
amazing, passionate people, and to spend machaneh
admiring them as inspirational madrichim is truly
amazing, and I wish that magical feeling of pride upon
My third achievement is strongly linked to the first and
the second, and I only realised that I was a part of it this
summer. To see the madrichim, who were my
chanichim, teach to their chanichim, what I helped
teach to them is incredible. Although I have spent my
entire life, (at home and at school,) surrounded by
teachers, and I have spent the past two years studying
education myself, I have only just properly realised:
teaching isn’t about giving information to people and
hoping it registers somewhere, it’s about inspiring the
people who we teach to become strong, independent
and confident themselves, so that when their time
comes around, they can teach the next generation
exactly the same thing.
This year will be different. I will make my resolutions,
like I do every year. However, this year, I will not sit
with a notepad and pen, because if my resolutions are
supposed to mean something to me, I shouldn’t have to
write them down to remember them. This year I will
not be creating my resolutions at the end of December,
however, I will make them now at the end of Elul, the