Page 94 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Winter 20
P. 94

Workwise,  there  was  plenty  to  sample  and     We  could  hardly  have  imagined  back  then
               experience, including the banana plantations,      how  our  lives  would  pan  out,  and  we  are
               the metal workshop, filtration and irrigation      dispersed across many miles and continents.
               plastics  factory,  the  kitchens,  cotton  fields,   Technology,  however,  has  brought  us  a
               children’s houses and gardens.                     whole lot closer.

               Oh,  those  4.30  am  starts  for  the  banana     After Shnat I studied history and politics at
               workers, the omelettes, commando boots, the        Queen Mary College, University of London.
               tractors, the sunshine – they were great days.
                                                                  I was Rosh Ken of Ilford Ken and Rosh of
               Events  took  a  turn  in  June  1982,  with  the   several machanot.
               outbreak of the Lebanon War not too far from       Following my degree, I did a post-graduate
               our base on Amiad.
                                                                  diploma in  journalism  studies  at  the
               Back then, of course, there were no mobile         University  of  Cardiff,  then  embarked  on  a
               phones  or  tablets  or  laptops.  To  get  news   newspaper  career,  working  as  a  reporter  at
               from home, we would await the arrival of a         daily papers in Halifax and Newcastle-upon-
               letter or make a reverse-charge call from the      Tyne before joining the Manchester Evening
               kibbutz phone box.                                 News in 1990. I was Business Editor, when I
                                                                  left in 2013 and set up my own PR agency,
               Many  years  have  passed  since  our  Shnat
               Hachshara, but two recent events underlined        Kevin Feddy Media.
               the impact it still has on our lives.              I married Stacey in August 1991 and we have
                                                                  five  children.  We  recently  (July  6 )
               Those  of  us  still  living  in  the  north  of
               England, the Midlands and as far south as St       celebrated the birth of our first grandchild, a
               Albans, recently had a reunion in Sheffield at     grandson named Rafi. We live in Manchester
               the  home  of  Alastair  Goldman.  It  was         where I am currently president of Holy Law
               wonderful to meet up again after so long and       South Broughton Synagogue – an orthodox
               enjoy one another’s company. We hope to do         shul. Who would have thought!!
               it again in the not-too-distant future.            Roll call: Adrienne Fields, Alastair Goldman,
                                                                  Andrea  Mendelsohn,  Andrew  Brenner,
               During lockdown, Simon Ottman arranged a
               Zoom  catch-up  for  members  of  our              Bethia  Cooper,  Esther  Coren,  Evelien
               movement  shichvah,  who  are  nowadays            Kousenmaker,  Gideon  Seligman,  Howard
               living across the globe – in the UK, Israel, the   Bernstein,  Jair  de  Marcas,  Joanna  Caplan,
               US and Australia. Many were Shnatties, and         Kevin  Feddy,  Laura  Antebi,  Louise  Levy,
               it was lovely to see everyone again and chat       Lynn  Rosenfield,  Neil  Taylor,  Nigel
               after so many years.                               Landsman,      Paul     Morris,    Richard
                                                                  Mendelsohn,  Robert  (Reuven)  Mathieson,
               In  our  group  of  Shnatties  we  have  Olim,     Ruth  Nieman,  Sarah  Bernstein,  Simon
               people  living  in  the  UK  and  Australia  –     Ottman, Simone Barnett, Steve Lewis, Susie
               people  working  in  healthcare,  media,           Shaw and Yvette Genn
               academia,  music,  law,  education,  charity
               sector and tourism, to name but a few.

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